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Universal DXCC list in the world for all programming languages

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This chapter discusses the following points: 

1. The objectives of this project
2.The methods used for the implementation of the set objectives.


1, The objectives of this project

In the implementation of good and correct DXCC list must not only examine the prefix stations, but also the date of the QSO, ie when the data QSO was done. For the  QSO make in actual time is enough in principle, the current list of DXCC from the ARRL (although she does not contain all possible prefixes). However, if you want to specify parameters for theentities or QSOs made ​​in the past, we need the date of the QSO,  when this QSO was done. We also need to have a database in which for a given entitie will be determined DATE_FROM and DATE_TO,  when  the prefix was counted . When  creating this project, I set myself this  task:

1.The creation of such a tool for the DXCC list for developers amateur programs , that can be used in any programming language (Delphi, C + +, Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C + + and others). This tool should replace the programmers working on changes to the DXCC list and perform this task automatically. DXCC list should help identify the entity and its parameters depending on the date of the QSO. XML database should contain the date DATE_FROM to DATE_TO, in which period the Entite was counted.
2.Creating software for the correction of incorrect entries for entities with associated parameters CQZone, ITUZone, in all different bases for  logs amateur, in which, unfortunately, these data are not always correct, causing errors when reporting awards . This method should give the correct adjustment data for all logger-s no matter which database you use in the system loggers.
3.Create a universal DLL what can be use in the event of:
1.When doing a single QSO at a rate not exceeding the rate in the competition. Authors pages CLUBLOG provide tools for checking individual QSO also on their web pages CLUBLOG But you cannot poll in a loop (ie. Do a new connection and querying for a new QSO) for too many QSOs in a short time. I checked here what is the limit here and you can assume that in this method, after 500 QSOs server CLUBLOG break the connection. To this purpose this , is present anothers hurt method for polling . Single download for single QSO is described here
2.When we want to edit  the lot of QSOs from the past . you should use the hurt method and upload your QSO to www CLUBLOG , and then download corected ADIF file from CLUBLOG  decribed there and there , or  use method hurt method JSON descibed short there .
3.Create a universal .dll module possible to apply for  all programming languages such as Delphi, C ++, C #, Visual Basic, Microsoft Studio C ++. etc., which results in that amateur programmers where is  need for an actuel  list of DXCC entities for now and for the past, may once forget about guarding changes in prefixes.

2.The methods used for the implementation of the set objectives.

For the realization of the set objectives ,  the following methods have been used :

1.To achieve universal DXCC List on a global scale possible for use in the program in any programming language I was designed suitable DLL -. It is named DXCC_List.dll .Technique DLL is widely used in Windows. Creating Universal World DXCC List for all developers of programs amateur and all programming languages​​, such as Delphi, C + +, C #, Visual Basic, Microsoft Studio C + +. etc. results in the fact that programmers can  forever forget about changes in a DXCC list  . Behind him, it is watch by the  guardian of team CLUBLOG. Technically, the functions that are needed for DXCC list is  implement in  the  file dll - used extensively in Windows. Details of entities, prefixes, exceptions, invalid characters are downloaded via the Internet in the form  XML type file . My DXCC_list.dll itself  download XML file every day , ie once for 1 day this Official list of DXCC from the ARRL is download  1 time per month. Besides this , on the server CLUBLOG-is also do  relevant calculations for a given callsign  and for the  date of the QSO .

For all developers hamradio programs  such DLL is free of charge, as long as his software is also free of charge - > a type of free. Programmers who want to use my product, will receive from me an accurate description ,  how this DLL function performs, and what parameters are passed to the DLL and what is obtained with a description of the structures (objects) that must be declared in your application program. In this  help, there is no description of these structures., beacuse  they are not interested ordinary users. Developers please write me an e-mail to sp9auv@wp.plgiving their personal data and the name of the program in which they want to use the DLL. At the present time-tested I was tested  effect of the DLL in  the application program writed in DELPHI and C +  

2.To achieve the second point - ie correction of incorrect entries in the logger-s is used technique where ;
export all your log from logging program to file  ADIF
Upload this ADIF file  to the web site CLUBLOG, which will make appropriate corrective calculations for  the entities and CQZone for each QSO. Relevant upload  makes here my  program Browser_chrome.exe integrated with my program DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE.
Download a corrected file ADIF from www website CLUBLOG by my program  Browser_chrome.exe. They have only some needed ADIF field. It will be inserted into the appropriate table on the screen .  Also on the screen is show any possible differences in relation to the downloaded file and file from logger . The results are displayed using the XML harvesting techniques, and also is given result by  downloaded corected adif file from the www page CLUBLOG. (here are some possible differences).

More reliable are  the results what is  in the downloaded ADIF file after correction from the CLUBLOG

After this calculation  you can save as the result in a file type ADIF. In this file  are stored all the fields that were present in the file exported from the logger, even those with non-standard names in relation to the standard ADIF (such as APP_LOGGER32_NUMBER), and even those that are not displayed on the screen. All my programs have the ability to recognize up to 39 custom fields names. Also my program show a variety of differences for individual QSOs and fields (display No of differencies) , and what they relate to, and when you click on the appropriate line is shown only those QSOs that satisfy the difference. In the the different awards , especially  regarding  CQZones, often have such differences, which can cause not obtain the award.
In my user program  DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE is implemented also another method for the correction of entries in the logger . It is do by implementing hurt method of JSON described on the website CLUBLOG, but because of  this method does not provide a parameter CQ_Zone, this method so far has been hidden in my program .
More attention deserves parametr ITUZone . At this present, a new file  of XML does not pass this parameter. Designation of this parameter is very difficult, because ITUZone cuts geographical areas by straight lines. They do not have any dependence with the country, or CQZone. Sou in the DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE used old collection of XML issued with the date 2013-11-10. But I give there possibility , that you can select this parameter also from logger. The selection should be  choice  before making calculations.





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Universal DXCC list in the world for all programming languages

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