Polski Związek Krótkofalowców


Polski Klub Radiovideografii

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SP9AUV- route to Amateur Radio and my interests

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From the date of 03.03.2015 I was introduced to my web service for discussion groups  FUDforum   available in the one next chapter

http://sp9auv.com/fudforum .  It is designed to answer users to problems with my programs. You can also submit new section, which I will be create.         Invite you to visit. Viewing discussion groups is possible without registering. But to post on the forum you need be register as amateur- ham  callsign

From this moment please report any problems with the programs only through this forum, which will save for me the time to repeatedly replying to the same problems by  e-mail to anyone.



Click on the photos to zoom in / out photos

SP9AUV now in  2007 year

SP9AUV 1961 year a one year
before  licensing

With ham - radio I met in Raciborz in a  1957 years with 14 years old  in the League of Friends of the Soldier PAP. In Raciborz at the time I attended the secondary school  Technical School of Mechanical Engineering. At the very beginning I learned most the Morse telegraphy and also radio engineering  and construction of transmitting and receiving devices.

After finishing learn in the Technical I settled in Gliwice , where began my  studies at Pol. Silesia at the Department of Automatic Control. Immediately I sign to the club  SP9KAG sp9kag.pl - of which I am a member today.

At date 14.11.1963, I  get  amateur license No. 1021-1063 - Series A - Category  1st . I gained callsign   SP9AUV So a radio amateur I am already 53 years old (on day 07.10.2016 r)

At that time in Poland, if you wanted to transmit, you had to perform your own device TRX .My TRX home - made 5 bands look . On this devices I work to 2005 year  : 

Archive TRX

Archive devices for station SP9AUV

In the picture you can see Frequency counter with  scale digital and FM radio 306 band 144 - 146 MHz with two VFO for transmit and receive.

The archive radiotelefone FM306 station SP9AUV


After 2005 year began a new era in my life , because I bought a new device TRX namely TS2000. This  model I chosen to re-start on amateur satellites.

I in a radio-shack

SP9AUV in a  radio shack

Here are my antennas currently installed on the roof

Antena GP-7 bands
by SP7GXP and  GP on144 Mhz

Antennas on the roof looking

Antennas  on the roof

Proper cable management over the gutter

Proper cable management over the gutter

My interest can be grouped in the following themes :

DX contacts

This is a normal work with DX which mainly interested for  any ham-radio person . To 2005 year , my ownership amounted to 95 countries confirmed .. At the present day, ie. 10.06.2016 my ownership countries has taken 262 countries made and 252 countries confirmed. I also have made and confirmed 7 continents (Antarctica). Number of zones CQ Zone confirmed is 40 zones.

And here's what I got awards , mainly thanks to that notification application with use my program AWARD_SECRETARY described here

Award MIXED ARRL DXCC with the state of 200 entities

Award DXCC_PHONE ARRL with the state of 150 entities

Award DXCC_DIGITAL ARRL wit state 150 entities

Award DXCC_20M   ARRL wit state 200 entities


Other awards  which I got using my program for awards  AWARD_SECRETARY



Award  WAZ

Award PSK Contest ,   First place in Poland




Designing programs for amateur - radio

As a computer scientist by profession I also wrote programs for amateurs. In 1989, she married my first version of the program to log POL-LOG working in DOS mode. Work on it was leading to 1995, the year in which I stopped distribution of the program . About this I am writing - especially in terms of certain features useful functions that I made in this program and have not found in a  different loggers: It's especially for such functions as

- notification when given station sign not only of information that it is a new country - but also that this is a new zone or continent if such a situation occurs

- give full status successes for the callsign  entered - useful eg. in a situation - "make sure country because they do not yet have any confirmation for CQ zone to which the callsign  belong '

-  prints selective for the log, the QSL's  and achievements. They allowed people to easily specify the conditions for printing in this way that there was no problem printing to some awards . Most of the known programs permit the achievement of such statements for DXCC. CQ Zones, Continents and for a finite amount of awards . In the program  POL-LOG there was no problem to achieve such statements for awards Worked ALL Countries in the 15 zones

-  examination on what date was made QSO and credit of the country according to the criteria which dates DXCC introduced for certain countries - ie for DXCC List.

Other programs what I created is  described in chapter Shortcut description of program for amateurs - radio developed by SP9AUV



Design and manufacture of equipment amateur

In this regard  to 2005 year I was doing individually or I transformed most of his amateur radio equipment on which I worked. This device was doing not only for himself but also for the club's home SP9KAG. Such then were the days - that radio amateurs have to perform alone device for themselves. From this early period, and I remember souvenir participation in the Competition Radiomechaników which were held in June 1964 in Bielsko - Biala. They consisted of assembly and alignment in one day mounted APRS receiver to "hunt fox". The receiver is entirely composed of lamp battery as 1T4T used in radios "Szarotka". Here is a photograph of participants of the event. Perhaps more than one colleague finds himself in this photo from his youth

Competition Radiomechaników in a Bielsko_Biała
in June 1964

With my other devices made and distributed among amateur radio , was modems for  RTTY and packet radio. When there was not present sound cards in computers  such modems was apply . I would add that  modems baycom's can be used to Logger32 for spots on the DX-Cluster. If you are  is connect to the Internet and Telnet connection with a DX-Cluster  (for example  on the contest field ) can be such  baycom's modem  in a mode AGWPE for Windows cluster support by the  local VHF .

Modem RTTY with filter active - view from the front

Modem RTTY with filter active - view from the top


Modem RTTY - packet radio on AM7910 (type Baycom)

Modem RTTY - packet radio on AM7910 (typu Baycom) - view from top


Communications by amateur satellite

The 1st satellite communications I do at day   3.01.985  via  the russian  satellite RS 5. I also  used the satellite RS7. For communication I use then very primitive equipment. as a transmitter 145 Mhz served me held and converted radio FM-306 (shown on the photograph above FM306) with two tuned  VFO. I reached for it sufficient stability to work on the CW. As a receiver served me archive TRX shown in the photograph .. In 1985 I made RS5 satellites -7 about 67 QSO's - this 51 QSO was confirmed which gave 18 countries confirmed including such rarities on satellites RS-5 as the US W2YY and Svalbard JW0EQ. Unfortunately, the satellite RS-5-7 quickly ended his life. Doppler effect for 29 Mhz band is much smaller than on the 145 MHz band - ie 145/29 = 5 times. As an example of the band at 145 MHz Doppler effect for satellites such as low phase VO-52 is 6 Khz for the entire flight from east to west satellites. So for the RS-5 was then 6 Khz / 5 = 1.2 Khz at around the 15 minute flight. If we assume the duration of the QSO was 1 min to a total change of frequencies was 1.2 kHz / 15min = 0.08 KHz = 80 Hz what  practically do not perform frequency correction  .Work on CW do not need such a sharp correction regime Doppler effect as work on SSB. When changing frequencies with CW eg from 800 Hz to 1 kHz still can  continue to receive, while SSB change of 200 Hz will do disortion in a receive

Below a diploma certifying membership in a SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS  CLUB


Digimode communications

As a computer scientist by profession I also interested the new digital modes - such as RTTY, Packet Radio, and PSK31

The first RTTY QSO I do at day  12-05-1988. On the today 09.10.2016 the number of countries confirmed emission DIGITAL is 203 countries. I started in many contests.. Working in contest RTTY requires much less physical effort than working on SSB. . With a well-configured software to contest RTTY QSO is performed in with 1 mouse click and a 2- ENTER fold you click . Work on RTTY I learn  young ham-radio in a School Club Communications SP9KVF in middle School Technical Communications in Gliwice - about it I am writing further

In 1990 I  chieve first place in Poland in the competition CQ WW RTTY Contest Here the scan of this  document


After obtaining the 25 countries confirmed RTTY became a member of the Polish Club Radiovideografii. Here is the document - diploma membership


As the first person in Poland I run mailbox RTTY at day 15-06-1990 . First  RTTY QSO was with the station G3TAG. Mailbox worked until 07-10-1990 and worked on the computer Commodore C64. Software received from IK6GZM. This jobs popularized RTTY emissions in Poland


The first communication to the Packet Radio 14-04-1990 I do on  the band 20 M. Work emission Packet in Poland was not without certain conditions which put before the amateurs Radio the State Inspectorate for radio . Namely, as if at times everything in Poland was controlled. PIR set a condition to buy the modem to control our emissions. Together in a group of about 5 people initialization (among others SP9VU Lucjan , SP5DED Henryk, I and another friends), we filed in to buy the modem. I should mention that this time the Internet in Poland was in its infancy and was available at a very low speeds in a few academic centers in Poland . First  permit for work on packet radio was issued in Poland dated 04.05.1990 of the year and allowed for experimental work emission packet to 30.06. 1990 only 3 months. Later it was extended to 31.12.1990 and 31.12.1991 for the year. Only after this period the issue of packet radio was incorporated permanently to all permits. The first communication to the Packet Radio I do  with use modem designed for RTTY active fiter  - see above.

At that time I used RTTY program COMIN on Commodore C64. Because he had the opportunity to work on RTTY at a speed of 300 Baud (standard RTTY is used 45.5 Baud) so I recorded on a tape a few minutes broadcast program COMIN at 300 Baud. What was my surprise as a modem RTTY with active filter decoded  this transmission . So quickly with the help of this  modem and Digicom64 I tried to receive the broadcast packet-radio on the KF . with the rate of 300 baud with a positive result. So you were only waiting for the authorization from the PIR-in transmission and begin broadcasting on the KF  It should explain here that used for packet radio frequency Audio amounted to approximately 1200 Hz - so the modem in a  3 cycles must decode (measure frequency),  and decide whether it is the logic  1 or 0 - MARK or  SPACE.

At that time, by the editors of the magazine "Polish radio amateur" was announced a competition for popularization  packet-radio. So I wrote a guide packet-radio which was published and received the 2nd prize in this contest

The first QSO of emission  PSK31 I do at  03-04-2005.

Course for young people

In this regard I do two courses for amateur radio in my home club SP9KAG and drove in the 1986 to 1993 Communications School Club SP9KVF in midlle School Technical Communications in Gliwice



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SP9AUV- route to Amateur Radio and my interests

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