Polski Związek Krótkofalowców


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Program DXCC_XML_List.exe

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The program DXCC_XML_List.exe is a program based on the data received from the CLUBLOG The new determined entity for the callsign to the entity  based not only on the prefix, but also on the date QSO in the persons . In its files XML  is includes the date (DATE from) and date (Date TO) in which a given prefix or the all callsign  was counted  .

. This problem I described many times in the page for  a various groups newsgroups.. I had this problem solved   in to my old DOS entitled POL-LOG - but at some step I die on the problem   , because the data contained in the official list of DXCC and the so-called prefix cross preference shown themselves inconsistent and many times some data contradict others. That is why it is good that there is anyone who has taken backbreaking work .

This work has made by the team CLUBLOG by  the persons show bellow  (links to websites CLUBLOG are included also in the program - you only need to click it )



Michael G7VJR - Creator of Club Log
Alan 5B4AHJ - Database Manager
Jim KE8G - Helpdesk Volunteer
Marios 5B4WN - Expedition Tools
Dimitri SV2YC - Zones Manager


The program DXCC_XML_List.exe describes almost in its entirety window About program


After the first launch program reports to us a window for the configuration  personal data

The above specified window appears when you first start with blanks fields . Specified above data apply to my station, but the user must provide your personal data. The program makes sure that they are different data than the data of my station. Only some fields are regarded as critical for the station SP9AUV. Specially callsign must be different than sp9auv and must comply with the criteria prefix and suffix . Fields with  asterisk must be filled. Exit out of the window only  just by clicking on the button OK