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Convert ADIF log of logger-s to the correct values according to the website CLUBLOG and by XML

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Pre  conversion rules fot the file ADIF from logger to the correct values ​​are shown above.

After selecting bookmark No. 2  will appear this window in the form : 

Windows for bookmark No.2 for translation file

Prior to the calculation we have to decide what option is preferred for the calculation ITUZone .

Now you need to select the button


The program DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE will run now Browser_chrome.exe

In this version, DXCC_XML_LIST.exe v 1.0.7, I do  a new browser for viewing web pages. In the previous version of the browser call  browser Internet Explorer, which, however, in the current version, IE v 11.0 has been deprived of operation pages in the standard html5. The new website for CLUBLOG -u have been written in HTML5 standard - which is why in this release v 1.0.7 this program , introduces the new browser Browser_chrome.exe. It is written with use element and  method used in a  browser  Chrome by Google. However, it not depends from the profesional browser Chrome, since all necessary component are present in the form of dll files, and it is  included in the program directory with  DXCC_XML_LIST.exe. Sou  changes in Chrome will be influence on working  program DXCC_XML_LIST.exe. Since operation for upload file  ADIF is included in the www code page in JavaScriopt, for which I do not have influence, I must  use the fairly backbreaking  tricks included in the Window API. Therefore, when you run the browser Browser_chrome.exe , appears to us the following preliminary window. This window appear  only for approximately 2 - 3 seconds and automatically disappears. However, on slow machines may not disappear and then you must press button  CANCEL button. It can see .

- for Windows Vista and Windows 7 as follows

Preliminary window for Browser_chrome.exe for
Windows Vista and Windows 7

- for Windows XP , Windows 2000 and earlier

Preliminary window for Browser_chrome.exe for
Windows XP and Windows 2000

The program Browser_chrome.exe to handle web CLUBLOG.
Here is shown login to your account. Bring a login
use the full email address. If we do not have
account created can also register here

When you press Login Now will see a page

The program Browser_chrome.exe to handle web CLUBLOG.
Here is the page displayed after login. This page can
appear to us as the first if the previously logged
and have already been set cookies

If you have previously loaded a file to the www site CLUBLOG may  appear  to us one of two possible messages .




Upload the ADIF file to the www CLUBLOG server

Upload the file is fully described in the Browser.exe .

Page first to upload a file ADIF to the server CLUBLOG.
Detailed descriptions is on the picture

In  Windows XP

Wwindow for choice file in a Windows XP
and Windows 2000

Window show all path of choiced file in Windows XP

In Window 7 we see the whole path

Chosing adif file from directory FOR_CLUBLOG

Page second to upload  file ADIF  to the server CLUBLOG.
Detailed descriptions on the picture.

Page end of uploading file adif to the server CLUBLOG


After loading a file to  the server CLUBLOG ie press the Submit Upload for, we have the possibility to stay in Browser or exit from it and then you can also Exit the program.

Now we must observe the post office e-mail, where  should come in an e-mail titled Feedback on upload for SP9AUV. You can look at it , although this is not necessary, since any differences can  be displayed also on the screen  program. If we have  not included  any of QSOs, and we have already confirmed this QSO by  card, you should report such QSOs to CLUBLOG. Detailed links to the different situations of the QSOs are in the e-mail.


Downloading ADIF file after corecting it in a WW CLUBLOG server

If we left the program without waiting for an e-mail press  button

will show us a message

After approval will be show  Browser where we should choose SETTING .

Page for download a corrected file of ADIF
Detailed descriptions on the picture.

Download  file after corecting -from CLOBLOG
Detailed descriptions on the picture

Chose diretory and name file as was proposed by program

Proggres in the download adif file

Closing Browser

After closing the Browser will be read the data from the two file  of ADIF. We here click on the Display QSOs, which will do QSOs displaying / not displaying QSOs. This is useful when we have any errors in the file . When you encounter such an error the program will stop, and we definitely should see our file  ADIF in a text editor and correct invalid field .

Saving two temporary files of ADIF

No existing QSO - not adopted by CLUBLOG

After some time, on the screen will appear  the results

The end result - the appearance on the screen

The end result - the appearance on the screen . Version of the user program in  programming
language C + + and DLL- designed in a  Delphi

Particular attention deserves the differences which is able to show by the program DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE. They are available in lines at the bottom of the screen

We see that there are 277 such differences for CQZone from the Web and logger. When you click on this line, we can see only those QSOs that meet this condition  for differences

Show only QSOs with a difference CQZONE from Web and Logger
On the screen they are marked here in blue boxes QSOs
that differ

If you want to find some QSOs , you can do it on a full array as follows

On the disk after the calculations are saved two file  as in the picture below. Want to review them



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Convert ADIF log of logger-s to the correct values according to the website CLUBLOG and by XML

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