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Save result in ADIF format or CSV with corrected fields

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The program DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE has a possibility of saving result in  the  two formats:

1.ADIF - commonly used for data exchange in logger's
2.CSV - Comma Separated Value. This format is preferred, if you use a database. You can easily load the data into an array of these to table  MYSQL
3.CSV - only selected fields - after editing  in a text editor file NameAdifFields_PRESENT_IN_ADIFile.txt , saving only fields that only you need in your  database.

Before saving  data, choose the appropriate format. After saving in a  such ADIF format , you can again make a saving  in the CSV format.

Now you can save result file  when you press button .


The file  is saved with the name of the input file after the addition of the suffix TRANSLATED + current date. The program in addition do correction field QSL_via to the form such as that in  suitable for placement on the QSL card - even if there are inscribed "stupidity" - permitted by QRZ.COM. This correction is also do in all my programs. In the resulting file  of ADIF are present   all  the ADIF  fields which are in the file input, even if their name is not  standard name ADIF. In a input this file  can be present  up to 39 custom fields not standard to  ADIF

In the output file No. ADIF = 999 (MARITIME MOBILE) and 998 (MOBILE AIRCRAFT) are replaced with NR_ADIF (DXCC) = 0 because any  logger can accept this value. Also award does not accept such numbers. Also no ADIF = 1000 which gives CLUBLOG for INVALID (ie not accepted by the ARRL) QSOs will be replaced as No ADIF = 0 ..


Now you can import the translated file with suffix TRANSLATED to looger's. . Especially for the  QSOs from the past

for which certainly do not have the correct values​​. For this purpose, first do full  copy the entire logger, and then delete the entire database associated with the QSO, and re-import the ADIF file translated to the logger's

This procedure will ensure us that all  fields wil be  consistent with the CLUBLOG. Not all loggers work with CLUBLOG or not all fields are compatible with the rules that are applied in  the CLUBLOG.  At this  moment Logger32 when calculate CQZone not apply the value that gives CLUBLOG, and defines them according to their own rules.


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Save result in ADIF format or CSV with corrected fields

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