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Navigation:  AWARD_SECRETARY project and its purpose > Bookmarks implementing the function program > Conditions confirmation of the QSL or LOTW For Award >

Submit award tab for filing application award

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This chapter covers the following points:

1.The choice of method selection confirmations award - must be made prior to the calculation of the award .
2.Description of the primary screen - bookmark Table award Application and the description of the award and step for do application award

2.1 The first area selected QSOs for award .

2.1.1 Common QSL card for awards .

2.1.2 Write the award and the ability to delete the QSO

2.2.Second area for manually change the selection QSO for the award

2.3. Third area for controls elements . .

2.4. Four area - Some messages program

3. Discussion of the MODE case for awards


1.The choice of method selection confirmations award - must be made prior to the calculation of the award

Before we calculate the award you must  good think about the selection method confirmations QSOs , what will be used  by the program . In the program AWARD_SECRETARY the following methods are available :


ONLY QSL - only  QSL cards will be taken  when calculating the award
ONLY LOTW - only confirmed by the LOTW will be taken  when calculating the award.
First QSL second LOTW - are taken  first confirmed by QSL cards, and if their lack of QSOs will be choiced QSOs , what are confirmed by the LOTW
First LOTW second QSL - are considered first confirmation by LOTW, and if their lack of QSOs ,will be choiced QSOs , what  are confirmed by QSL card.


Same choice is do from the Menu

For DXCC awards issued by the ARRL at the moment, i.e. after 04.2012, the rule is now that you cannot combine paper confirmations with LOTW confirmations (formerly called a hybrid application), so that you can only choose ONLY QSL or ONLY LOTW for them. However, there are diplomas for which you can choose FIRST QSL SECOND LOTW, e.g. Polish SPDX diploma


Not for all award  this window appears. There are a number of awards for which the publisher predicted specific rules as to choose the method of confirmation and these rules are put  in the same module .dll for the award . Sou ., I  decided that this window will then not appear, to not do  choose what  will not be considered . Conditions on the confirmation QSL and LOTW for awards are presented below.


Not all award  are permissive confirmation by LOTW. For example, the diploma of IOTA are only permitted paper QSL cards. In this case, even if you choose the ONLY LOTW or First LOTW second QSL  then  will be taken into account only paper QSL cards.

The program remembers what method was used in the selection at the 1st application for a award   and in the event that we would like to change it the next supplement   for  a award does not allow for it., because it would be out of a different choice to complement QSO - endorsement. If we want to change the selection method in the course of this supplement program reports the following message :


Message if you want to update award
(endorsement) of the other conditions

You can see that the program has detected that  before (at the 1st application) were the other terms of selection (ONLY_QSL card) and later with an update award you choose another method (First LOTW second QSL). When you press:

OK, these conditions will be changed to the new selection. Although the program permits you to change the selection here - but it should be added that it is not logical and it is not a recommended method. Only if the publisher of diploma has changed these conditions it is possible here to select OK.
NO - continuing operations will be suspended and you will be able to change the terms of the selection to the previous (QSL ONLY here) and re-select the button UPDATE_AWARD

I repeat once again:

Well , please consider  two time , what  the selection method you choose for your award



2. Description of the primary screen - bookmark Table award Application and the description of the award and step for do application award

Basic Screen to report award  looks like:

The basic appearance of the screen for filing the
Application tab award in which we make calculations
for the award

This screen contains four basic areas :

This area contains the following items:

Menu for choice award that we want to see  or upgrade

This menu contains all the awards which the author has developed. However, some award are covered by private license and then if your license does not cover them, or if you or you have only just called. global license  , then for you may appears  the following screen .

The message that your license does not include this module award

If you are interested in this module, or even other ,  write to the author at the e-mail sp9auv@wp.pl or  sp9auv@sp9auv.com

If you choose a award  that covers your license further course of proceedings will look as follows:

At the top of this area there is a sign indicating the status selected  QSO , i.e  all QSOs . or Only new QSO . This inscription indicates the state what  was  selected in a small window selection -

Select the QSO's: All QSOs or New QSO's- supplement and is used to report endorsement for award .

Description see below .

Updating  award however, must be done only if you have chosen for this window All QSOs. If you choose to update award by button

then if it is selected  New QSOs-endorsement ,  it will be automatically switched to All QSOs.

Table with selected QSOs automatically meet the requirements for a award. These fields are

more or less the same for all awards.

Therefore, create the universal interface with the user. Of course, if the specifics of the award

requires different fields, some fields are different . Usually applies to the first or last field .Bellow I 

will discuss these fields on the example of the most representative award  DXCC_MIXED


DXCC_NO - The number ADIF for the country standard specification ADIF
Band -  Symbol bands such as 10M, 20M, etc. on which has been do QSO
MODE -  . mod (symbol emission), on which was performed QSO.
QSO_DATE -  QSO date in the nomenclature of YYYY-MM-DD.
CALL_ -  Callsign station , to  which  was do QSO .
COUNTRY -  name of the country for station for which the was performed QSO

QSL_RCV - field = Y if QSO was confirmed by  QSL card
LOTW_QSL_RCV - field = Y if QSO was confirmed by  LOTW
CONFIRM_METHOD - Confirmation method chosen by the program AWARD_SECRETARY. Field equals = QSL   if choice QSL card or = LOTW if you select the method by LOTW.
COMMON_QSL_CARD - common QSL card - this box is marked by an appropriate symbol  when  is shared with another QSO QSL card. This notation means that the QSO have  common QSL card No. 1  (and number QSO on card = 1) with another QSO. At this tme program search common QSL card automatic . It is describing there .


CREDIT_SUBMITTED -  field is provided as standard ADIF and gives a list of awards, which was notified the QSO data (submitted). This field is filled in Logger32 - but unfortunately manually and therefore difficult to say whether it was chosen in an optimal way, ie ensuring the lowest cost for checking QSL. In the initial phase of the project AWARD_SECRETARY I predicted the field to take from  Logger32 - but then switch it off  because of the lack of optimization in Logger32. However, left field - because maybe the way selecting  in the loggeer's   will be more optimal in a future .
CREDIT_GRANTED -   gives a list of awards  for which the QSO has been approved

DATE_SUBMITTED - date of notification of award ,  specifically to the publisher of the award  in format  YYYY-MM-DD .This concept is used instead of standard concepts DATE_APPLIED in LOTW . Field is filled in when you press this button

When you press this button appears window selection  Date Submitted

Description of possibilities to select DATE SUBMITTED
ie the date of notification

ie the date of notification from the calendar

Ability to enter manual DATE SUBMITTED  and GRANTED introduced for amateurs who have already developed some awards and must reproduce the existing state occurred.

DATE_GRANTED - the date of obtaining confirmation of the award - here for a particular QSO .This concept is used instead of standard concepts DATE_AWARDED ADIF in LOTW. After confirmation you should press  the button

Rules for choice  DATE Granted   are the same as described above, the rules for DATE SUBMITTED., QSO go then after saving award (if it is a award  ARRL) in the state AWARDED .

SELECTED_METHOD - shows what  the selection method was chosen for the QSO. When the QSO is not the highlighted in green means that it has been selected automatically by the program AWARD_SECRETARY. When the entire line QSO is highlighted in green color in  this field, there is an inscription MANUALLY. such as for this  line .

How to change the selection QSO manually is shown below

ID_QSO - QSO identifier which is used in the main log - MYSQL table     QSOS_AWARDS

NoOfPos - gives the number of QSOs that can meet  the conditions in a single row for award  .  It is not always given here the total amount there . For some award here is always given quantity = 1, although in fact may be available a greater number of QSOs.
PRIM_KEY - or no primary key in the table given position in the  award .
STATUS_FOR_ARRL_AWARD - the status of QSOs to the ARRL awards  .Occurs  only for awards ARRL. Can have the following values:

and so the values provided for by the ARRL in LOTW. The program AWARD_SECRETARY due to the need to sort these fields according to the validity of the field was adopted symbols A_BLANK, B_SELECTED, C_APPLIED, D_AWARDED). SELECTED state occurs immediately when the QSO is selected as candidates for the award .. APPLIED state occurs when we give for QSO DATE_SUBMITED and Save awardAWARDED state occurs when we give for QSO DATE_GRANTED and save the award .  But take attention :


Awards  (except diploma DXCC_5_BANDS) can be written only when they fulfil  conditions for obtaining a award, and we give him some DATE_SUBMITTED:

SUPPLY_ARRL_AWARDS - (translation approximating the function:: can power the following awards ARRL). This field is used to indicate awards  ARLL , for which can be used this QSO - for example, a sample value   DXCC_5_BANDS value, DXCC_20M, DXCC_CW, DXCC_MIXED, - means that the QSO can be applied to the awards  DXCC_5_BANDS and also  DXCC_20M and also DXCC_CW and  DXCC_MIXED
Summary for table award .


Colors select QSOs


======================    =====================    ===================    =================

Above we are described screen  for the award DXCC_MIXED . For the  ARRL awards , there are present two basic types of awards "

awards for which , with given entity = country (Entite)  can be only one QSO. These are the awards like DXCC_MIXED, DXCC_PHONE, DXCC_RTTY, DXCC_10M, DXCC_20M .
awards for which , with to given  particular entity - country (Entite) can may be many QSOs. These are awards  multiband such DXCC_5_BANDS or DXCC_CHALENGE calculated for the 9-bands. In the case of award DXCC_5_BANDS , the first fields - column of the table look a bit different .

We see here that there is a 5 bands in a separate columns - instead of one BAND. For DXCC_CHALENGE 9 band due to the need to extend the row of column names has been used as in a award  for DXCC_MIXED. The appearance of the award for DXCC_5_BANDS shown below

The screen for 5 - band award DXCC_5_BANDS



2.1.1 Common QSL card for  award

What is it ?? . At the moment, many stations if made more QSO with this same station on more bands or other emissions sends one common QSL card. Common QSL cards must be shown in the ARRL awards  at the end of the application. Starting from version 3.0.1 AWARD_SECRETARY do searches automatically  for common QSL cards, mark them, and if  print  application puts them at the end of the printout, or at the end of the file  adif. when using the method ON_LINE application described here. The fact that one QSL card is for a few QSO does not mean that it will be used as a common  card, because may be  only one QSO from  this card will be needed. Diagnostic of automatic common  QSL is possible because introduced the numbering of QSL cards received, as described here.  Number of QSOs in the form 4321-2 gives the possibility to recognize that this QSO and QSL's for him can  create a common QSL card . Recognize  automatic common  QSL is best realized  when using functions MergeSeveralARRLAward

ie create application for several diplomas described here. For award  reported individually program also can find common QSL cards automatically, but in principle for other awards degrees besides DXCXC_5BANDS and DXCC_CHALLENGE common QSL cards will not occur . Described in the previous versions help's  manual setting QSL common has scrapped because it was too complicated and require more work. Starting from version 3.0.1 v AWARD_SECRETARY eliminated the possibility of manual find  common QSL card


2.1.2 Writing a diploma and the ability to delete a QSO

Now you can save award  by pressing the  button  .. The program includes the ability to save only awards that  perform the conditions for obtaining. Earlier save diploma does not make sense - because it will cause do a lot of disruption - as the program tried to reproduce your early choiced QSOs - which are not always optimal  . Especially it is important for awards  ARRL. After calcullate or update award in the area of an announcement appears this message

You also need to look attention whether perform the conditions for obtaining a award

Now we can introduce DATE_SUBMITTED - the date of filing award . by pressing the button

Rules insertion dates shown here

If the conditions are met award conditon in the message area appears this words :

Now you can save award by pressing the  button

Deleting QSO .

For some hams who have already Notification award and want to allocate further complement AWARD_SECRETARY program was to provide tools for the automatic calculation of the award  and then to plate matching the state had in its previous application. This is done through two tools:


Changing the selection of QSOs to other selected manually as described here
Deleting a QSO from an table award


Deleting a QSO in Table award

Being aware, however, that the process of manually deleting QSOs can be an arduous process for old hams . AWARD_SECRETARY program additionally equipped with other more efficient mechanisms to restore the boot diploma described in the chapter.



Choosing QSO confirmations for award depending on the preset  method only QSL_ confirmations or only LOTW) or mixed method  (First QSL second LOTW or FIRST LOTW second QSL) is done automatically. There is an additional possibility to manually change this selection to have any other  QSL's -  as such. QSL card we not wish send because it have nice graphical form.

Changing the selection of QSOs is do by  click the left mouse button on the QSO in the 1st area. It then appears in the table in the background color yellow Then select other QSOs in the array in the 2nd and click on it by the left mouse button. This QSO has chosen automatically by program usually  is in the first place in a second area .


Manual selection of another QSO for
award - here DXCC_MIXED

As a result, in the 1st area award  in the table appear  there is a new QSO the highlighted in green

New selected QSO is highlighted in green and the lettering is SELECTED_METHOD MANUALLY<br>
At the same time, these QSOs box have cleared field DATE_GRANTED what is the correct symptom here<br>
We should rather do this selection manual operations to the diploma has not yet approved

New selected QSO is highlighted in green and the lettering is SELECTED_METHOD MANUALLY
At the same time, these QSOs box have cleared field DATE_GRANTED what is the correct symptom here
We should rather do this selection manual operations to the diploma has not yet approved

In the 2nd area will appear sign informing us that changes have been made.

Therefore, we should save an table award by pressing the button  Write award . Of course, all QSOs must be assigned DATE_SUBMITTED



This area contain of the following elements

The message about meeting the conditions for obtaining a award

HELP button - describing -> control to the appropriate description in-line help system for the tab

Insert the current date as DATE_SUBMITTED


Rules insertion dates shown here

This button should be used if you are absolutely sure  that no longer make changes to the ADIF file and finish manual selection  of QSOs , or do not need to make such changes. DATE_SUBMITTED setting is a necessary in addition to meeting the conditions for obtaining award , and able to save this award  tables MYSQL For award ARRL then takes the state QSOs STATUS_FOR_ARRL_AWARDS = C_APPLIED

Insert the current Date as DATE_GRANTED. This button should be used if you have received a award. For awards  ARRL then takes the state QSOs STATUS_FOR_ARRL_AWARDS = D_ AWARDED

Rules insertion dates shown here

Select only the view - the control element

The element is used to change the preview for the table from the 1st  master array of tabs. After selecting only the QSO's what  you must report to LOTW, we get


Appearance of the table when you choose to view
only QSOs that, then you must report to LOTW

We see that now disappeared button Write award, because the state in the table is only temporary


Selecting a new QSO for supplement (endorsement) diploma. The element is used if you want to supplement (endorsement) to the previously reported award . You  must first load the new QSOs from  logger by selecting the update of existing QSOs. Will be load the new QSO's and  Update QSO existing . Now by pressing button do update award  . Our table with award after the update looks like below

Table with a award after the addition of
new QSOs made to QSOS_AWARDS
from the file  ADIF.

We see that appear a new QSOs not having DATE_GRANTED .   DATE_SUBMITTED has been selected as the new date for all QSOs. Empty DATE_GRANTED means of a QSOs has not yet been approved.


When you select a new QSOs-endorsement



Table will look like below. . Will display only records that have a field DATE_GRANTED empty


Table award  after selecting
a new QSO-s supplement



In the 3rd array may still occur in a case DXCC_5_BANDS award or - DXCC_CHALENGE element for common QSL described above



This area is intended for the some of the messages they transmit the program for specifying the status of the table award and , if is be able to write the diploma and what steps to take to  save award . There are the following inscriptions

After entering DATE_SUBMITTED it adopts to the form

or further if you can not save a award  because conditions were not met conditions for the award

If it is possible to save, now you can save  award by pressing button

If save is not possible but still you press this button this  message will appear :

Mesage about not posible write award
because conditions was not





3. Discussion of the MODE case for awards

From my observations of what various loggers produce in the range of the emission symbol, it follows that loggers use their own emission symbols, not necessarily in accordance with any standards. Fortunately, this is usually done for digital emissions known as DIGITAL emissions by the ARRL. Therefore, I entered the MODES.CSV file in the OTHER_SURCE directory with the structure as below






















































































AWARD_SECRETARY reads this file every time the save date of this file was changes and updates the corresponding MODES.SQL file in the MYSQL structure. Errors can also happen in the ADIF field called MODE. I simulated such an error for the SP9AHA station by inserting CW mod XX instead. I chose this data to be loaded into the QSOS_AWARDS table.

Entering incorrect data for the field
MODE for SP9AHA stations

The effect of checking this error can be seen in the picture

Screen effects for a wrong field
MODE = XX for SP9AHA stations

This QSO will not be loaded into the QSOS_AWARDS table.

Since the program at the same time checks the synchronization of data from the logger with the data in the MYSQL QSOS_AWRDS tab, a message may still appear

Synchronization error message if some exist. I recommend
choosing   OK

Critical error and disability report
loading this data

You now have a choice:

1.If you see a single error, you have to fix the MODE in the logger and re-produce the ADIF file and load it again to AWARD_SECRETARY.
2.If there are more of these errors in MODE and they refer to the same MODE symbol then you have to enter this MODE _NAME symbol into the OTHER_SOURCE \ MODES.CSV file and save it.    AWARD_SECRETARY will recognize the change of the save date itself and read it into the MODES.SQL table. and notify me by e-mail to the address sp9auv@wp.pl, so that the next upgrade will not delete this entry.

Logger32 now shows the 32 issue of PSK31 and PSK63 as PSK3z1 and PSK63 in the logg, but when saving  to the ADIF file it saves PSK31 as MODE PSK SUBMODE PSK31.  <MODE: 3> PSK <SUBMODE: 5> PSK31. and similarly for PSK63 <MODE: 3> PSK <SUBMODE: 5> PSK63. For FT8 .  FT8 saves as <MODE: 3> FT8. Whereas for FT4 <MODE: 4> MFSK <SUBMODE: 4> FT4. Completely inconsistent. Now PSK31 and PSK63 emission are converted to PSK when reading ADI data and in various other situations. . Changing the emission to PSK is also done in AWARD_SECRETARY and for the CRC field   CRC- so that there will be no duplicate QSOs .. Similarly for FT8 and FT4 emissions, For FT4 it replaces MFSK provided by Logger32 for the correct FT4 symbol. For DXCC awards they will be combined into DIGITAL emission.