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Restoring the state start  of award from the file

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If you already  made the application for  award manually or by using any  other program that you would have liked an effective tool to restore the start state award. Continuation of the  award supplement may be entrusted  to AWARD_SECRETARY.

Program AWARD_SECRETARY offers three methods of recovery the state start award

1.Restoring of the startup award based on the normal calculation and then delete not needed row by row .
2.Restoring start state award based on the external file result type of .adi, csv or txt

2.1.The procedure for the file type CSV or TXT from program SPDX-base or SPDX_Marathon by SP7DQR

   2.2. Restoring start state award on the basis of the calculation of award do in Logger ( for example Logger32) in the field CREDIT_SUBMITED and field APP_LOGGER32_CREDIT_GRANTED

   2.3. Procedure for files of type ADI

3.Restoring start state award based on a file of source type .adi originates from Logger-s that was used to create in the past award notification , by using the import function of the source data


Conditions for the start state award ARRL - DXCC

At the restoring start state ARRL award type you be aware of the changes what  ARLL do in the calculation award after day 07.12.2013. Change is as ->  cannot combined paper card confirmations with confirmations obtained by LOTW. However, if someone has already received before that date such  declaration confirming with combined (hybrid) , of course, anybody these confirmations obtained by other method does not take. Therefore, when restoring award  diploma by start state., it is a possible set of  acceptance confirmations by QSL card and LOTW - but only for a QSO that have already been approved. ie CREDIT_SUBMITED field has already been marked by an appropriate symbol  . In other words, a QSO already reached AWARDED status. But update award will only be possible with a choice: only QSL  , or just LOTW. Anyway, for award ARLL - DXCC in  the application endorsement  does not show up anymore QSOs that have been approved.



  1.Restore the startup award based on the normal calculation and then delete not needed row by row

This method has been described previously in step method of recovery of the startup diploma based on the normal calculation and then delete one each not axcepted row by row. This method is possible, but still laborious


2.Restoring the state start  award based on the external file result  type of .adi, csv or txt

Apart from the above methods have been developed in the AWARD_SECRETATARY method  for restore start state award  from any type of file. ie .csv  .txt  and adi. In the case of a file .ADI ,  variable names are included directly in the file type ADI. In the case of a CSV or TXT as the first line must be present line with variable names what is used  in the file. Usually old ham has a file for the reported award . It may be a file in a Excel format , which can be exported to a CSV file. If this is a file in Word format can be saved as a text ASCII  file  , and label the header line with the names of variables or convert it to a CSV . As variable names you can use names  stored in the file  ADIFFieldList.txt   in the directory with program AWARD_SECRETATARY.exe   and the names given bellow . Basic  condition for  adoption the QSO from  start file   is :

QSO from startup file must exist also in the log in the primary table  QSOS_AWARDS.  Must match all of its parameters, ie. CALL,  DATA_QSO, BAND,  MODE,  DXCC_NO, and in the case of a award for zones , also ITU_ZONE , CQ_ZONE . When there is such award  Polish as:  SPPA, PGA_H, POLSKA_MIXED , must also match the symbols and names of municipalities, counties and provinces .

I do not recommend the use of the data that have never been be printed to produce aproved award , because they will certainly contain many errors. It is better to entrust AWARD_SECRETARY calculation for this award as new as described here

However, the best to produce a  starter file for some award is  suitable my program HAM_SECRETARY described on the page bellow. We make  starter file by use this program for translation file  to CSV format or ADIF, before selecting the desired date and time formats


You can download it from page


From one of his colleagues I received for the award  PGA file for in this form


References confirmed for the Gminy award by SP7OGP on all bands

Mode: All mode

                                                                       Page: 1


                                                          DATA OF FIRST QSO


REFERENCE                            QSO Conf.  CALLSIGN        DATE       TIME    BAND


AB04 Wałbrzych  (miasto)              3    3    SQ6OXC          13/02/2010 07:06  80 m

AC01 Sochaczew  (miasto)          11    3    SQ5M                09/05/2009 15:08  80 m.

References confirmed for the Gminy award by SP7OGP on all bands

Mode: All mode

                                                                       Page: 2


                                                          DATA OF FIRST QSO


REFERENCE                            QSO Conf.  CALLSIGN        DATE       TIME    BAND


CH11 Sawin                                    2    1    SQ8RAR          04/10/2009 16:45  80 m.

CH14 Wojsławice                           1    1    SQ8MXS/8        06/06/2009 15:31  80 m.

DA01 Działdowo  (miasto)              1    1   SP5ZIP/4           11/09/2009 12:53  80 m.


These data come from  relatively neglected in the development  program DX4WIN

What in this file is bad ?

1.In the text they are inserted  unnecessary rows descriptive
2.Some columns contain two or more words separated by a space. Typically, space is a field separator.
3.Unnecessary there are some columns: ie the QSO - number of QSOs made with the municipality, Conf - the number of confirmations QSL for this municipality. PGA award does not recognize more confirmations for the same municipality. For one municipality need only one confirmed QSO.
4.The date format is completely non-compability  to the standard ADIF. It should be as 20091004  
5.The time format is also a non-compability to standard ADIF. It should be 1645.
6.Symbol  band is invalid because it is, for example 80 m. , And should be 80M
7.Names of municipality contain Polish characters, which, because use  the international of AWARD_SECRETARY it is impossible to use. Polish characters must be converted to ASCII characters
8.It should, in principle, must be   created newly header data
9.The need for editing any field.


In this regard could use a tool that for a program what by one run will be correct this data . This regard has just meet the program HAM_SECRETARY, which have  the ability to download data in a format called by me TXTconstant Columns, CSV, pseduo CSV .This format permits you to use any character as a separator field and also allows use form of a column data , creating vertical lines separating data.. This illustrates this screen :


Column enterimg data  .
Format TXTConstant Colums , CSV , pseudoCSV

Then, for example, data such as the  of Gliwice  city, Kedzierzyn Kozle can be simply placed in one column. These data come to the  table , on  which when you click the right mouse button , you  can perform many valuable functions like

Options edit table for the type
TXT kolumnowe , CSV , pseudoCSV
after right click mouse in the table


Variable names that can be used for each award:



instead  "CALL_" you can use  "CALL"

For  MODE you can use  value DIGITAL as a emissions surrogate , used  for all digital emissions specified in the file MODES.CSV in the column MODE_NAME . AWARD_SECRETARY restore the original name, eg emissions PSK31, PSK63, OLIVIA, or other 69 names that may be used  - which are attributable to the QSO. Of course, the same original symbols, ie the original PSK31, PSK63, OLIVIA and etc. you can apply also.
If it is not given column "CONFIRM_METHOD" - this program will give the opportunity to select the method QSL or  LOTW, but for all fields .. If the data field will be present  in the field APP_LOGGER32_CREDIT_GRANTED , then AWARD_SECRETARY program will extract from this  field what method this QSO was  confirmed .
"DATE_SUBMITED", "DATE_GRANTED". If you do not specify values for these columns - this program will give the opportunity to set any dates. but for all fields ..
It is however possible for this mode, ie FirstRecreatedward   (But only for this mode) correct  any field by double-clicking on the field.



This possibility correction , however, should use with caution, because in this way can cause a lot of bugs and incorrect operation of the program


For award CQ_5BANDS_WAZ ,


   instead "CALL_" you can use "CALL""

Notes as above


For award PGA_H


instead "CALL_" you can use "CALL""

As MODE we cannot use value  DIGITAL for digital emissions. It must be the actual and real name of the MODE . Fields TIME_ON , RST_RCVD although it may be present, it  will restoring from the log data from table QSOS_AWARDS . Publisher award predicted these fields on the application form.

Fileld PGA - .basically a symbol of the municipality for example as AD04, must be necessarily present ..

Fields CONFIRM_METHOD , DATE_GRANTED, subject to the same dependency as before.

It is possible to edit the fields as described previously.


For award  dyplomu POLSKA_MIXED


As MODE you  cannot use value  DIGITAL for digital emissions. It must be the actual and real name of the MODE . Fields CODE_WOJEW field, must be necessarily present.  Field DESCRIPTION_WOJEW does not necessarily have to be present, since there's a program restore this field from own table .
Fields CONFIRM_METHOD , DATE_GRANTED, subject to the same dependency as before
It is possible to edit the fields as described previously.


For award IOTA


  instead "CALL_"  you can use "CALL""

As MODE can be given as symbol DATE , used as a symbol for the surrogacy mode for award   IOTA for all digital emission  specified in a file   MODES.CSV in a column MODE_NAME . AWARD_SECRETARY restore the original name, eg emissions PSK31, PSK63, OLIVIA, or other 69 names that  may be used - which are attributable to the QSO. Of course, the same symbols, ie the original PSK31, PSK63, OLIVIA and etc. you can also apply  .
Field CODE_ISLAND and DESCRIPTION_ISLAND field is absolutely necessary. In addition, for this award field DESCRIPTION_ISLAND must  be edited (double-click in the box), and enter exactly from QSL cards.
If it is not given column "CONFIRM_METHOD" - this program will give the opportunity to select the method QSL and LOTW, but for all fields ..
"DATE_SUBMITED", "DATE_GRANTED". If you do not specify values for these columns - this program will give the opportunity to set any dates. but for all fields ..
Ability to edit the fields as described previously.


For award SPDX_Marathon .

    zamiast "CALL_" mozna zastosować "CALL""

Where are the data in CSV format, then they must be given in accordance with the pseudo-csv format which applied our colleague SP7DQR and produced by .program SPDX_Marathon.
Field CONFIRM_METHOD , DATE_GRANTED, subject to the same dependency as before.
It is possible to edit the fields as described previously.


Dla dyplomu SPDXC

    zamiast "CALL_" mozna zastosować "CALL"

The exact names are a little different, but where are the data in CSV format, then they must be given in accordance with the pseudo-csv format which applied our colleague SP7DQR and produced by the program SPDX_Baza.
Fields CONFIRM_METHOD , DATE_GRANTED, subject to the same dependency as before.
It is possible to edit the fields as described previously.


Field MODE field and CONFIRM_METHOD  in most starter  files,  may be absent, because they can be restored  from the table QSOS_AWARDS, although if these fields are in the start file , it will get better.  


At the moment, ie on the day 04-08-2012 I developed calculating the start state for all award. Only a few award  due to their nature do not include the possibility of restoration of  from  start file. These include certificates  which were awarded once and not have for  them present supplement  (endorsement)



The following is a starting point for SPDX_Marathon calculation based on a file  from a program SPDX_Marathon by SP7DQR.

The first part of the file for countries have the form:

SP9AUV  2012-07-22;Call-80m;Date-80m;QSL-80m;Weryf-80m;Call-40m;Date-40m;Weryf-40m;Call-20m;Date-20m;QSL-20m;Weryf-20m;Call-15m;Date-15m;QSL-15m;Weryf-15m;Call-10m;Date-10m;QSL-10m;Weryf-10m

246| |1A0  |Military Order of Malta;;;;;;;;;1A0KM;2007-07-16;QSL;2009-03-15;;;;;;;;

178|D|1M   |Minerva Reef;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

247| |1S   |Spratly Islands;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

260| |3A   |Monaco;;;;;;;;;3A2MW;2006-07-25;QSL;2009-03-15;3A2MD;2006-07-11;QSL;2009-03-15;;;;


The second part of the file area on the CQ Zone has the form


   |Z| 1   |KL7 VE8;;;;;;;;;NL7J;1988-05-23;QSL;2009-03-15;KL7PG;1990-09-29;QSL;2009-03-15;;;;

   |Z| 2   |VE2 VE8;;;;;;;;;VE8RCS/VY0;2008-08-30;QSL;2009-03-15;;;;;;;;

   |Z| 3   |W6 W7 VE7;;;;;;;;;W6ZH;1989-03-12;QSL;2009-03-15;AA6AA;1978-08-14;QSL;2009-03-15;K6YRA;1979-01-09;QSL;2009-03-15


When you choose award SPDX_Marathon he has not yet been charged , appear to us message  about the possibility of start state award from the file


Message that the calculation fot the award
is not present and  the possibility calculation
state start award  from an external file
type ADI  CSV or TXT

This file should meet the following easy to meet conditions:

1. Basis of this file you was obtain award in the past  .
2.In fact, this file  should have only one QSO for one entity - only for award  SPDX_Marathon for a single entity lying in a few number of   CQZones (eg USA , Canada, Asiatic Russia, etc.) may be for  another zone  other QSOs , in the part of CQ_Zones Submitted.
3.Program AWARD_SECRETARY was, however, equipped with control mechanisms if we give a lot of QSOs for one entity  , and choose only one of them. If this is not the QSO, which has actually been approved it will have a possibility to select another QSO  really approved
4.If this is a multi-band award  must also be show  band .Well be also if this file have a field DATE_GRANTED (date approval ) and DATE_SUBMITTED . If they lack the program will claim on these data.
5.The QSO in this file  must also exist in the Main table  QSOS_AWARDS . . If QSO from the start file will not exist, fill the bottom window  QSO list lack and will report about that  in the appropriate message. .

After selecting NO will report yourself  us now the screen in the form


Startup Screen award calculation
Must press button Recreate first state award from file

Then choose a file

The selection of the file from which we
reconstruct the starting state

The further procedure program AWARD_SECRETARY is determined on the basis of file extension - that is if it is a file ADI - or CSV or TXT file. Procedure for files ADI was presented below - see here.

For file type CSV  and TXT looks even sure it is not coming from the program  SPDX-Baza or SPDX_Marathon by SP7DQR

2.1. The procedure for the CSV file or TXT from programs SPDX-Baza  or SPDX_Marathon by SP7DQR

Before starting the start state for award in this way, we must be aware of the following :

Considerations when creating start state diploma when using the file result  from programs by SP7DQR ;

1.The result file from SPDX_Marathon type CSV does not contain all the necessary data to restore . In section Zones no number ADIF for QSOs. Program  AWARD_SECRETARY will try to reconstruct the missing data : CQ_Zone and Nr_ADIF from own entries in the table  QSOS_AWARDS.
2.The result file was produced in the past, when was force different list DXCC . Logger32 remember an old entry ,  here the  ADIF_No and CQ_Zone and  never changes it , even if you  will upgrade DXCC list and do recalculate statistics. The operator must manually change  these values for each QSO. It is a defect and advantage Logger32 . Advantage because  for deleted countries is remembered old   ADIF_No, even if again this  ADIF_No  was reused for a different country. Disadvantage so that if in the past was do DXCC list based on improper data  , some entities are bad . Unfortunately, did not improve these invalid entries from the past. Solves this case here that in  logger's  feature to identify the entity was taken  also the date of QSO. Unfortunately, most of loggers does not have the properties .  My programs and especially my old program POL-LOG POL-LOG has such characteristics at diagnosis of the entity that look also the date of QSOs to determine entitie . However, for this you need to have reliable data since 1945, when the entity was  deleted, to  whom the old entity ADIF_NO was assigned , and what CQ and ITU zones . As one of the ham's  tell ,it is  a "backbreaking work"
3.The difficulties which arise here describe an example of the country Yugoslavia in the past , and now is  Serbia. Previously, a year ago 1991-12-15 QSOs- with YU prefixes were counted as Yugoslavia and was given an ADIF number = 501 . Such data was saved by Logger32 for YU. Yugoslavia has never been deleted as a country (such as Czechoslovakia). In contrast, no ADIF = 501 has been allocated to the entity  Bosnia-Herzegovina. In contrast, YU prefix was used for the country Serbia and to hinder and confuse it had been granted him a new number ADIF = 296. Sou you see , for  an entry ADIF = 501 this does not mean that it is Bosnia-Herzegovina but now it is Serbia. Best if you look at the card and see to which the entity has been count  . If for a Yugoslavia that he should change in a logger number from 501 to 296. The situation is in regard to the subject Asiatic Russia was also complicated. To  the year 2007 does not have any been properly assign . to what CQ Zone or ITU Zone is bellowing . Also for the USA CQ_zone and  ITU Zone is not fully understood. Therefore, I had to make directly changes in the file  Od_poczatku_do_13_03_2009.adi and consequently created a file which allowed calculation Od_poczatku_do_13_03_2009_skorygowany.adi  what give the possibility to calculate proper  for the  SPDX_marathon by SP7DQR. Making changes in  the Logger logs and produce-a re-set the date 13_03-2009 adi , was out of the question, because certainly reached some confirmation QSL

It may appear to us the message that there are absence  some values - which is not usually  in the main array QSOS_AWARDS nor she is not in the start file

The message of no value for


Once approved the message by OK - we should choose the button



This brings us to a window in which we choose to manually DATE_SUBMITED


Manually choose the DATE_SUBMITTED
from calendar less than DATE_GRANTED

We continue still

A continuation of the creation of the 1st table
for award


At the end we obtain the table award  filled for SPDX_Marathon

Appearance award filled table All rows in this table
are highlighted in light green , as sign that it is a
manual selection. QSO incompatible with log is
highlighted in amber color in the lower window .


Let's see how this QSO in the log, and in the starting  file

Appearance QSO in the log in the table QSOS_AWARDS -
bookmark first and start harvesting.  You can see
this is QSO with different names of countries


A more extensive discussion of this type of non-compliance for the startup file are shown below

At this point, had to give like the following information. The case concerns the award  SPDXMarathon. How do most of amateurs I do first application for this award  (and thrives competition)  under the program SPDXMarathon by SP7DQR. Entities there were retrieved from the Logger's . Unfortunately, many logger's and also  Logger32 were erroneously  count CQ and ITU zones and sometimes the number ADIF entity was bad. The reason was sometimes import this data from  other loggers . I made a new application based on a start file which produces SPDXMarathon program. Unfortunately manager diploma questioned previously counted  entities and CQ zone. Therefore, I have come to an agreement with him that I produce new application for this award  - but apart from starting file. Since AWARD_SECRETARY first taking  the latest   QSOs - it will be a chance that there will be no such errors. Besides, I recommend checking the application for a award SPDX_MARATHON with QSL cards , and in the case any trouble choice another QSO .,  It is possible to do manualy choice another QSO . Especially it applies to European Russia and Asiatic Russia. For other award such compliance with the card is always required. This kind of light-hearted SPDXMarathon award , but it require most time work because of its specificity (ie points for country and area code), and problems with old prefixes and CQZone




2.2 Restore start state awards basis on the calculation for awards approved in Logger (for example Logger32) in the CREDIT_SUBMITED and field APP_LOGGER32_CREDIT_GRANTED

This is the most effective method for restore  the start state. But I recommend using this method only if you already obtained an approved award .. Why? . From my experience on files that were sent to me by Logger32 users, it follows , that no one has done this correctly . Fields CREDIT_SUBMITTED and CREDIT_GRANTED is  marked by hand and the users put there all QSOs that is there suitable , but should be there only for single entity (the country) only one QSO . It is true that the program AWARD_SECRETARY provided with such bugs control methods described below, but here ingenuity user  in making mistakes is impossible to predict. This method is applicable in the following cases:

1.In Logger32 we ran  manually selecting QSO what achieve  first state submited and later after the approval award the state QSO Granted . Then in Logger32 operator must insert (unfortunately manually) to ADIF fields  CREDIT_SUBMITTED and later CREDIT_GRANTED   values corresponding to the picture


Selection QSO in Logger32 as
approved to a few awards

In the resulting file of ADIF then we have two fields :

1.CREDIT_GRANTED what can be equal to  the following values, eg <CREDIT_GRANTED: 26> DXCC, DXCC_MIXED, DXCC_PHONE which means that the QSO has been approved and has reached the state AWARDED for the following award  : DXCC, DXCC_MIXED, DXCC_PHONE
2.APP_LOGGER32_CREDIT_GRANTED what can be equal to  the following values, eg <APP_LOGGER32_CREDIT_GRANTED: 42> LoTW_DXCC, LoTW_DXCC_MIXED_, LoTW_DXCC_PHONE.,  which means that the QSO has been approved and has reached the state AWARDED for the following awards : DXCC method confirm by LOTW, DXCC_MIXED method confirm by LOTW . DXCC_PHONE method confirm by LOTW .
3.It is not possible to use this method for loggers - HAMRadio de Luxe, MixW, DXKeeper, because these programs do not produce CREDIT_GRANTED field, which is very strange, because it is a standard field determined by was standard ADIF
4. We must be aware of the conditions for the paper QSL and LOTW described above

To extract only QSQs approved  GRANTED you can use program ADIF-FILTER   v 4.0.0 or later developed by SP7DQR .The program can be downloaded from


The program does not require installation - it should just unpack and run. After its launch , and after choice  ADIF file for program  filltering , ADIF_FILTER analyzes all the fields in the file adi and turns on them to filter Field_selection , so that if there will be non-standard field names absent in standard ADIF, it also can be extract  these fields together with their content , which is a very good feature of the program.



The appearance of the ADIF-FILTER program bySP7DQR
after his first run

Then set the filter to be applied

The setting filters for the program ADIF- FILTER

Then set the fields that are needed for the diploma. Required fields ie their names for the diploma are given above .Program  AWARD_SECRETARY can handle if we do not use  this filter Filter ADIF.   It is only important that they present data for these fields.

Required fields for the recovery
Start state for diploma DXCC_MIXED.
It is important to be present box
and the data for these fields in the log

Next press button GO

The program will start calculate and report this


Let's look at what has been written, we are interested in CSV format .Here in the file  Log_caly_filtered.csv




In this file  should be saved only one QSO satisfying a condition of approval. If carefully conducted entries made by hand in Logger32 is certainly this condition is met. However, in order to check it, I  proposes to make calculations twice in the ADIF-FILTER. The first calculation is carried out as described above .While the second calculation using an additional filter 

Additional filtr UNIQUE

Additional filtr UNIQUE

Then we calculate the second time. If you get the same amount of extracted QSO - means that we have everything correctly

In further proceedings will show what is happening, but when we use the file produced for the first filtering - ie the number of records = 396 QSOs.

Select from the menu bookmark  for the application awardu application. DXCC_MIXED diploma


Message that the calculation for award not present
and  the possibility of calculation award start state
from an external file ADI type, CSV or TXT.
You must choose there NO

Startup Screen calculating award

Next choice file

Choice start file in a CSV format

and then change the input date format that is compatible with the date of the QSO

Next you will get this screen

Message about lack DATE_SUBMITED or DATRANTED

Enter above date

After confim message OK - you must choice button



Appear window - where you choice manully DATE_SUBMITED

Choice manually DATE_SUBMITED from calendar

We act similarly to date granted

You get this table

Table with date submitted and granted

We can get a screen similar to that of redundant QSO or updates with the log

The screen with messages for redundant QSO
approved as a result of user error in the start
file  or  QSO not approved because of
incompatible with the log

As I mentioned  in the above picture if the program for a given entity (the country) did not extract the QSO for which we specifically mean, we can now select another QSO. Now press the mouse in the row in a color turquoise for entity QSO in a upper windows :

Changing QSO QSO approved for other theses approved. Row selection step for changing

Changing QSO QSO approved for other theses approved. Row selection step for changing

Appear to us in the bottom winow with 4 QSOs

Choice another QSO also confirmed

Finally, at the top window we obtain

QSO after changed it . It is also confirmed

QSO after changed it . It is also confirmed

Enter DATE_GRANTED again

Enter DATE_GRANTED again

This mode with possibility to change QSO approved , works only until you write award , or selecting  another award , or exit from the program . Restarting program again can not have such possibilities to choose for edit only those QSOs that we had in the collection start.

.Let's see what it looks the QSO with T6LR not approved because it is incompatible  with the log

The difference in dates for T6LR QSO in the log
and in  the  file start for the station T6LR
incompatible with the log

Let's look at a large number of redundant yet QSOs have been shown in the lower window = 114 -1 = 113 QSOs. Why so much ??? . As mentioned above, the calculation is based on a file starting with 396 QSOs, where for a given entity was taken much of QSOs. It was created as a result of errors in the creation by user in a startup file , for what  AWARD_SECRETARY program is immune .

After all the correcting  , if for bootom window will be not present row in a amber color , what mean that is not present any QSO incompatible with log  you can write award by pres button .

2.3. Procedure for files  type ADI

With this method proceedings , you should also be aware of the conditions at the point of Creating a start state diploma . We will show an approach for input files with the extension of the ADI. For  test  you select a file ADI what you writed after restoring the start  state award . Our table MYSQL for award  SPDXC looked as  below


State start for award  SPDXC

Let us remember the state of the resulting table for  SPDXC - ie 205 entities confirmed  including entities deleted  and 205 entities  without entities deleted. Let us write a file and then after the call to fill in the application's write a file of applications in a file of ADI. Now delete award SPDXC by press button  .  After selecting from  the menu SPDXC get

The message of possibility of restoration
start state award for a award SPDXC

choose NO to restore the award from a file  ADI. We will get the window


Press button Recreate first state of Award state<br>
from file

Press button Recreate first state of Award state
from file

After the "travel" in a a set of directories open file ADI


Search and open file  ADI to restore
start state award for a  SPDXC


Below are listed the screens that can be reported or not. It depends on the contents of the data in the file start. If you do not report the following screen will proceed to a point or to the point.

Appear to us this window


Recreate start state award on the basis of a file
ADI for there award PGA_H . For SPDXC
may be other scrren . It is depends what
value is present in input file

Get filled out this table  in the form


Filled with the INDIRECT table for the state start


After press button


We obtain

Report to you  window with a standard format date by standard ADIF. In this case, there is no need to change the date format


If there are need change format for date , you correct manually it from keyboard



At this point, AWARD_SECRETARY doing translation  from ADI to CSV format. The CSV format is well suited to import data into the  table MYSQL

Appear to us this message


Recreate start state award on the basis of a file
ADI for award SPDXC


Continuation create an table for award SPDXC


After presss Continue we obtain a table


The final appearance for the award  SPDXC obtained
after loading data start from a file  ADI


We received the same end result, ie SPDXC - ie 205 entities including entities confirmed deleted , and 205 entities  without entities confirmed deleted


3. Restore the startup state award based on a source file type .adi  from the Logger's and that was used to create the award notification in the past , with using the import function of the source data

Usually, when reported the award, we have a source .file type adi  based on which we calculated  in the past this award . I note that it is not file what was  produced as a result from any program for calculating the award  - although on the basis of the result file , can also be calculated the state starting award decribing there . Bellow I show  recover the state start for award  SPDX_MARATHON award  based on a file  Od_poczatku_do_13_03_2009_skorygowany.adi . This file comes from Logger32.   it must be emphasized that the file must come from real-life past. File can not be produced at the present moment, embracing the date from the beginning to the date of QSO 13_03_2009 ,  because they can reach a new confirmation of the QSL,which came after the 13_03_2009, and included the QSO before 13_03_2009  Step should be as follows according to the following points:

1.Deleting an table award SPDX_MARATHON if this table exists in the database AWARDS_BASE. This is done in the AWARD_SECRETARY

Delete first the award SPDX_MARATHON
for which we calculate the state start

2 .Execution of such a backup copy of all the other tables for security purposes, as described in section Performing backup is described here. We must emphasize that you do not need to do this use any program for administrative databases , because program AWARD_SECRETARY has been fitted with own procedures for creating backup


3.  Now we import to the main table  QSOS_AWARDS from the file .adi from logger under which we made the application in the past . We select from the main menu AWARD_SECRETARY

Information window to continue calculating
the correct entities and its parameters
Chose there  OK - because we do not
want check the file with  CLUBLOG


Selecting a file of .adi that was used to
to create application in the past
for a award SPDX_Marathon



Read data of ADI


Select the Delete all records and diplomas.
Then recreate the state of award with copy
had previously done

Safety message about deleting

The course of record table QSOS_AWARDS

The course of record table QSOS_AWARDS


End of save

Now go out AWARD_SECRETARY program and run it again

4. After restarting the program AWARD_SECRETARY, select the bookmark

Selecting SPDX_MARATHON to update normal

Update normal for SPDX_MARATHON

The Normal state after updating SPDX_MARATHON
for restoring  the state start award

We still lack DATE_GRANTED and DATE_SUBMITED and you can assign this when you press buttons


The final state award SPDX_MARATHON
and writing diploma. Here we see the state
End points = 2107 points

This method of recovery of the boot does not necessarily provide the same QSOs as in the past, but the end result should be the same . Bellow screenshot for SPDX_marathon from program by  SP7DQR.

Screen and states SPDX_Marathon award from program
SPDX-Marathon by SP7DQR. Here we see the state
End points = 2107 points

If we want the program to chose the same QSOs we need to use the method based on the result set is described here. It should in addition be aware of certain conditions and restrictions for the old and new DXCC list

After saving award SPDX_Marathon you can save the state of the table  SPDX_Marathon MYSQL for this award , Saving will  be made in the format .sgl. which simply contains all the SQL commands in the text file ,  for later use to restore a database or table MYSQL. This is described here


Now would be to somehow restore the previous state of the database AWARD_BASE what you've saved previously. We recreate itself based on a point described here. Now we van restore state od SPDX_Marathon made previous

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Restoring the state start  of award from the file

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