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Installation for the project AWARD_SECRETARY

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Installation of AWARD_SECRETARY from version 4.0.2 is discussed below. We resigned from looking for a version smaller than 4.0.1 because the search time on single-partition disks with a 500 GB partition was up to 15 minutes .  At the beginning, very quickly after running install_Upgrade_AWARD.exe the following screen will appear.

A message about the need to decide
by the user if  have smaller version
 then version 4.0.1

After selecting the NO option, i.e. we want to manually indicate the location of AWARD_SECRETARY in the above screen we will get
If you select OK here and the firewall does not protest, the program will go to point I

Selecting a directory with a version
less than 4.0.1

Jesli to nie będzie to wersja mniejsza od 4.0.1 to pojawi sie komunikat   w przeciwnym wypadku pojawi sie nastepny ekran

If it is not a version less than 4.0.1 a message will appear, otherwise next  screen will appear

The message that is not a version
less than 4.0.

Then if there is a version less than 4.0.1 this screen will appear

Recognize old version
smaller then 4.0.1

Now the screen will appear as.

The following screen with the program UNINSTAL.exe for uninstalled will not appear if you chose OK on the 1st screen

Uniinstall previous version
smaler then 4.0.1 , You must
press button UNINSTALL


UNINSTALL neither removes the MYSQL database nor breaks arrays of already calculated awards


In this chapter discusses the following points:

1.Preliminary discussion of the MySQL database installation and unpacking the installation file AWARD_SECRETARY_WITH_MYSQL_INSTAL.ZIP
2.Prohibition the installation, if the installation files originate from the network, including the local LAN
3.The installation process AWARD_SECRETARY and database MYSQL for firewall COMMODO

4. Installation process AWARD_SECRETARY and MYSQL database

5 .Description of control mechanisms have been applied in the program install upgrade.exe, in order to examine whether the firewall software or hardware router , when connect to the Internet does not create problems

6.List of DEMO and FULL_LICENCED awards

7. Checking the efficiency of the Internet network


1.Preliminary discussion of the MySQL database installation and unpacking the installation file AWARD_SECRETARY_INSTAL_WITH_MYSQL.ZIP

dfdsdfd To install the project AWARD_SECRETARY must be also  install MYSQL database. Installing MYSQL database is described in a separate help file  Install_MYSQL_EN.chm.

Since the previously proposed method for the installation of MYSQL database based on the installation of each component  separately , and then configure those components based on the detailed description in a file help  CHM , this create much of a hassle for  radio amateurs, I developed a different installation method MYSQL database. These problems usually result from this point;

1.the reluctance of reading the extensive  help .
2.The need to familiarize yourself with some concepts of information technology - that although there were accurately described, it did not come to heard  users - radio amateurs. .

That's why I developed a special program for  automatic installation database  MYSQL and all required components and configurations in such a way that you do not need  give any data from the keyboard, and almost without clicking the mouse. . The program is called MYSQL_INSTALL_AUTOMATIC_ALL_COMPONENT_AND_CONFIGURE_IT.exe .  Data for the configuration program takes from the file initiation setup.ini that radio amateur should not be absollutly edit because then will  be  not work program for awards AWARD_SECRETARY .

To install AWARD_SECRETARY I  developed a special program install_upgrade_AWARD.exe. It is used both for the 1st installation and upgrade project AWARD_SECRETARY for later .

At this moment, the installation program after the installation AWARD_SECRETARY proceed automatically start install MYSQL database by calling program MYSQL_INSTALL_AUTOMATIC_ALL_COMPONENT_AND_CONFIGURE_IT.exe


To install, download from my website AWARD_SECRETARY_INSTAL_WITH_MYSQL.ZIP file and unzip to directory AWARD_SECRETARY_INSTAl)WITH_MYSQL . Then run install_upgrade_AWARD.exe with use Total Commander or Windows Explorer.


Running  install  AWARD_SECRETARY
from program install_upgrade_AWARD.exe




2.Prohibition the installation, if the installation files originate from the network, including the local LAN

Because the Window and all firewall's do not like to install programs that really come from a network, including the local LAN network program AWARD_SECRETARY was equipped with a mechanism which recognizes this situation. In this event that the installation proceeds from  a network drive Windows to be strongly protested, and firewalls will be many times asked for permission to install, which is very cumbersome. In this case, after starting instal_upgrade_AWARD.exe the following screen appears

The message about the impossibility of installation
because the installation files comes from the local net LAN

As files from the network also is recognized  files come from the virtual machines, or also mapped  as  Map Network Drive command. You must move the installation files to the drive C: or  D: drive if it is physically connected to your computer. As the drives physically connected to your computer are also recognized  disks mounted in a USB port.


3.The installation process for program AWARD_SECRETARY and database MYSQL for firewall COMMODO

The following questions what will ask the firewall depends on the type of firewall's ,  how it is configured, ie on what restrictions it is set. This is where user can ask yourself. Why do these all parades with firewalls. If you want your computer was well protected , then you must unfortunately answer questions what ask firewalls. Unfortunately, disabling firewalls may result steal your identity and a stripping your bank account. He met with such proceedings - I turned off the firewall and antivirus and now computer I run  a lot of faster .This is no way to disscus with this person .. Since the program AWARD_SECRETARY performs the functions like the professional program this must be properly installed and registration in the windows register , in which records information used tools to work with MySQL database, and other data required for proper operation.

General guidelines on how to configure all firewall-s

- All firewalls the best set firewall during the installation in the learning mode . What it is? .

- Learning mode lies in the fact that if once firewall have approved a program that can work and use some functions, it's the next time you run this program firewal will no longer ask for permission. Often such firewalls are additional small window in which that mark is no longer ask and usually applies only to this query.

- Some firewalls have a so-called safe mode . Firewall then asks for permission for every starting the program. This mode is not  recommended during installation. However, I met with a firewall such as Commodo Version 8.2 that even in this safe mode learned and next time have not asked for access. Previous versions of Commodo such as 6.3 and 5.0 behave differently in safe mode, ie they were very "annoying" and still they asked. Presumably this was due to software bugs in this version.

- Some firewall by default are set  in a learning mode and do not have safe mode.

- In a process installation  firewall should choose a special installation mode, which is in a Coomodo is selected by the Treat As  and then select the installer or updater 


The installation process for Commodo firewall version 8.2

Coomodo firewall version 8.2


Open the  firewall

Otwarcie firewall Commodo 8.2

Otwarcie firewall Commodo 8.2

Setting firewall Commodo 8.2 in a learning mode - Traing Mode

Setting firewall Commodo 8.2 in a learng - Training Mode

Setting another properties in a firewall Commodo v 8.2


The reason for the inoperability may also be that the firewall in the application rules has incorrect entries as below

Reason blocking by rules
application that install_upgrade_AWARD.exe
is blocking by firewall

Call the function EDIT


Setting aplliacation as Trusted

end effect setting as trusted application

Home Zone LAN for Commodo 8.2

The following shows icons show sometimes other names than install_upgrade_AWARD.exe installation program, such install_21upgrade_AWARD.exe or other names. I was forced to change these names to show how it behaves firewall at the first run a firewall. The next time you run the installation program , the firewall is no longer asked you for permission.

When you start with Total Commander appear this screen .You must chose the Treat as in accordance with the principles discussed above. This will reduce the number of queries by the firewall.

first  appearance of the screen Commodo v 8.2
when you start from otal Commander

When installing from  Explorer questions will be similar. In the following screen, you must agree to access the registry. The need to access the registry has been described above in this agraph .If you have any concerns I assure you that none of my programs do not contain any viruses - which has been tested by 55 viruses on  https://www.virustotal.com/ . Report  from these checks, see here

Appearance of the next screen Commodo v 8.2.
We have at this point agree, otherwise it would
not be instaled AWARD_SECRETARY .

The appearance of the next screen Commodo v 8.2 for
select the installer or updater. We need this
at this point do agree, otherwise it would not be

If here instead Treat As and Installer  or updater , select the Allow, then the amount of these questions would result in far greater and would be 8 queries. For every question is allocate right time to answer. Firewall at that time must analyze the program installer, and if you have a slow computer, then the firewall will ask you again about this same thing, what   confuses and discourages user.

Sometimes, as a result too long to answer questions firewall ,  the installation program finds that the lack of internet (permissible time is exceeded timeout).


4. Installation process AWARD_SECRETARY and MYSQL database

The AWARD_SECRETRY program in version 4.0.1 has been designed in such a way that its installation and both work can take place without Internet access . If there is no internet access, we will get screens


Window with absence internet to googl.ie

Window with no internet connection to mine
sp9auv.com server

In the event of a failure of the Internet network, the description of how to check the causes of the failure can be found here


Window 1st installation AWARD_SECRETARY


Now we get screen


The message appears before the actual installation
reminder to read this chapter,about install
and including links you click on that you will be
immediately directed to the relevant chapters and points


Now we get a screen with the  personal data station , needed later when printing diploma applications. You have to fill them in with real data, if you do not provide them, the program will not allow further installation process

Personal data window

not ppreseent personal data


Bad format for the e-mail field

In the case of the last 2 pictures, the continuation of the installation will be interrupted until we fill values into the fields

Finish the installation

End of positive installation

When you first install AWARD_SECRETARY installation program will go to installation MYSQL database by running MYSQL_INSTALL_AUTOMATIC_ALL_COMPONENT_AND_CONFIGURE_IT.exe, and if the database exists. but has not previously been properly installed and configured, it will be detected  and the program will enable do the configuration database and create  user database , set the password to the user and to create a database AWARDS_BASE. Reconfiguration does not destroy the existing database and does not damage the already stored table for awards.  The following window will no longer appear if the installation and configuration of MySQL has been made previously correctly.

Installation or configure MYSQL database

A more detailed description of installation and configuration MYSQL database is contained in a another file  for help type chm, Install_MYSQL_PL.chm  . Also there you will find a description , how to proceed in the event of system failure install MYSQL




5.Description of control mechanisms have been applied in the program install upgrade_AWARD.exe, in order to examine , whether the firewall software or hardware router when connect to the Internet , does not create problems

In order to enable proper operation of the installation program and effective test for problems  that can be created by the firewall or router from the home LAN to the Internet, applying the following mechanisms  :

1.To provide firewall safer operation, it is so designed that the program for create session connection is always initiated by the software on the user side, i.e. in this case, by the client program for exampleby the  install_upgrade_AWARD.exe program. In this version fom  v 2.0.4 for all programs AWARD_SECREATY system uses new components where data is completely transferred in the session connection ,  initiated by the client program that is install_upgrade_AWARD.exe or AWARD_SECRETARY or UNIINSTAL.exe. Previously may be occur situations in which it is true that  was called by the client program, but it was present on the server and it is  initiated session connection.
2.All programs are equipped with procedure which consists in sending to the server a very long string, to which is immediately answer the same string. If the string given does not agree with the received you may receive the following message

The message in the event of inconsistency of a long
string send with the received string


In this case, make sure that blocking is made by the  firewall's program and / or router from the home LAN to the Internet. Bellow you shown what elements of firewall version  Commodo 8.2 resulted in blocking transmission of packets. In the case of a firewall can exist following types of locks.

Blocking the application program was caused as follows :

If the search for the cause of not passing packets will not give positive results. I recommend turning create logs of network traffic on a router or firewall and study of these logs, then you must look for signs in them, which are the IP address of my server sp9auv.com

Here is an example log, what  I received from one of my friend, who had problems with the proper operation of my programs. The reason was blocking the packets sent from my server to his  router. A friend  is mastered at the end of this problem

[INFO] Mon Feb 01 16:21:07 2016 Blocked outgoing TCP packet from to with unexpected acknowledgement 1150625409 (expected 1148691088 to 1150625408) address is the address of my server sp9auv.com, and therefore my friend had problems with my work program 

[INFO] Mon Feb 01 16:05:52 2016 Blocked incoming TCP connection request from to

In view of this situation I decided to check even the suspect me address . I give in a google  word whois and received a response from Google, that this  IP address is present  in China Guandong  . Who from China looking  in a router friend's  . In one response from google I get answer that from this IP address  are made attempts to routers by attack rootkit too . and specifically to  the router operating system (yes - each router has the software and operating system). The worm tried to install a rootkit on the operating system in the router. A rootkit is a malicious program that hides from the system, but is trying to take control over the operating system  After that, no antivirus can  help  Yes - there are already too rootkits for routers    As this  rootkit taking control on  the router , it is no longer any problem for him to redirect the website to your bank  . to  the same in the appearance of Web pages locating on server hacking ,  and take all your passwords to your  bank's website

That is why I am surprised carelessness of some users who do not want to install any antivirus software or firewall, claiming that this only do slower computer. Well - to time, and will be their empty bank account.

I do not recommend the use of only frewall Windows system and Microsoft Security Essential . It protects, yes, but only the interests of Microsoft but in any case your computer. I recommend other firewalls and antivirus .These products will not allow the installation program  non-registered in a Microsoft (for which you have to pay) .

During the installation with other personal firewalls and anti-virus appears on the screen appear ask for permission. If it you give your accept ,  this installation will be possible - otherwise it will not be installed AWARD_SECRETARY .Firewall Windows system and Microsoft Essential Security does not ask for permission - prohibiting simply access.


6. List of DEMO and FULL_LICENCED awards

Within the framework of awards  available in the demo license (generally available) are available the following awards .

9.IN_POLSKA.dll  This module is used to collect data on Polish stations such as kod_gminy, nazwa_gminy, kod_powiatu, nazwa_powiatu, kod_wojewodztwa, nazwa_wojewodztwa   . Collection of these data takes place based only on the station callsign. Based on that  callsign  of the stations is download data from the servers QRZ   QTH station - the city and ZIP code for the station .The program has a database in the form of tables for up to 55 thousand  towns   and 65 thousand   ZIP codes for the entire Polish. Based on these tables are searched above data  - which are then needed for the majority of Polish award


and a special query to the database

1.unreliable_QSL_manager_direct.dll .-  for whom are sent a card direct   .


As part of the FULL  license are available the following additional awards



and 8 special querry for database

1.COUNTRIES_SEND_NOT_CONFIRMED.dll Countries sent but not confirmed
2.TIME_TO_WAITING_DIRECT_QSL_CARD.dll  The waiting time for direct QSL card
3.TIME_TO_WAITING_QSL.dll The waiting time for QSL card
4.COUNTRY_NEDED   - Countries needed but not done
5.STATISTIC_QSO - statistics  QSO for  QSOs made, delivered, confirmed by QSL cards and LOTW by mode CW, PHONE, DIGITAL on all bands used in the ADIF log and percentage of QSL cards confirmations compared to the cards send ..
6.QSL_NEED_FOR_PGA_AWARD - which provides the QSO you must send QSL cards - to receive a award PGA-H. If you already have met the conditions for 100 QSOs confirmed - that this module provides you what QSL must send QSL else to receive a award  for more QSL
8.QSL_NEED_FOR_POLSKA_MIXED_AWARD - which provides the QSO you must send QSL cards - to get a diploma POLSKA_MIXED. If you already have met the conditions for entry-level diploma, ie Basic is this module gives you what  QSL must send to receive a award  for larger classes diploma SILVER and GOLD .


In the total for the day 04.08.2016  was developed 30 awards  and 8 special queries .


7. Checking the efficiency of the Internet network

There are two commands issued   DOS mode to check the operation of the Internet network. They are toping

ping  andtracert  


If our network is efficient  and running, we'll get it on a DOS screen


Efficient network to wp.pl --- ping shows
correct values

Tracert - route to wp.pl is efficient
shows correct values



If our network is not efficient , we'll get on a DOS screen


No present net  to  wp.pl


Route mismatch on some router inside
networks - you have to wait for the routers
if it find a route  bypass

In the event of a network malfunction , I recommend the following procedure:

check your Ethernet network cable if the LED is flashing in the network card or home router
if you are using WiFi, check that you are logged in to the WiFi network
if tracert has shown that there is a problem with some router inside the network. then you have to wait for the routers to find a bypass route


The install_uprade_AWARD and AWARD_SECRETARY programs from version 4.01 have been designed so that they can work even without the Internet . But beware - we will then be deprived of the valuable property of checking the data on CLUBLOG.ORG

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Installation for the project AWARD_SECRETARY

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