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Report from scan files on  VIRUSCAN.jotti.org

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Previous versions of my programs were tested for viruses on the virustotal.com server. Currently, however, I have given up examining the files on this server for the following reasons:

1. In 2015 year,  the results of file scanning presented on the website were based on 55 antivirus programs. Currently, however, for 2023 year , they are based on 72 antivirus programs. With such an increased number of antivirus programs, there are bound to be programs that give false results. The authors of the website have not made any effort to qualify antivirus programs to see whether they provide correct results. After hovering the mouse over the name of the antivirus program, we receive a message with the content

   - May differ from commercial of-the-shelf product. The copmpany decides the paticual settings with which the engine should run in VirusTotal

This means that virustotal.com accepts all antivirus programs, even if this is unpopular and unreliable ones, without checking their credibility at all.

2. I did a test and wrote a very simple program (just a simple FORM window) in a licensed Windows and Delphi Borland Berlin 10.1 environment with a license. Virustotal showed three viruses. I repeated testing of the same set in a week and virustotal showed only one virus. Something's wrong?? , I thought. The creator of an antivirus program is keenly interested in showing viruses that others do not, hoping in his naivety that he will have more sales of his real antivirus programs.

3. The reason for this was that some antiviruses changed their testing method. Presumably, the reason for this behavior of virustotal, and specifically these antiviruses, was that libraries were generated for this test program in which it was possible to refer to API functions in Windows. What is   API ???.

Provides access to additional Windows resources such as the Windows registry, shutdown, system restart, or process interruption. Starting, stopping or creating Windows services, managing user accounts. These functions are located in advapi32. dll in 32-bit Windows.

You can read about Windows API functions at www

                                                     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/API       where it  writes, among other things

Windows API, An application programming interface (API) is a way for two or more computer programs to communicate with each other. It is a type of software interface, offering a service to other pieces of software.[1] A document or standard that describes how to build or use such a connection or interface is called an API specification. A computer system that meets this standard is said to implement or expose an API. The term API may refer either to the specification or to the implementation. Whereas a system's user interface dictates how its end-users interact with the system in question, its API dictates how to write code that takes advantage of that system's capabilities.

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We can see that some antivirus programs will treat such program capabilities as inadvisable and will show that they contain a virus, and their mere presence, without actually using them, will be treated as a virus. Such antivirus programs believe that the programmer should not use API functions, and that the application program should use the system kernel for hardware resources and interfaces. This principle can be implemented in  Linux, but NOT in Windows NO

-That's why I started using another virus scanner available on the website


It scans based on 10 - 16 recommended and trustworthy antivirus programs                                                                                      

                                                                                               Report from scan AWARD_SECRETARY.exe

Report from scan AWARD_SECRETARY.exe on

Report from scan  install_upgrade_AWARD.exe  om

Report from scan  Browser_chrome.exe on

Report from scan  UNIINSTAL.exe on
page http://virustotal.com

Report from scan help file chm
stronie http://virustotal.com

Report from scan help file chm english
page http://virustotal.com

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Report from scan files on  VIRUSCAN.jotti.org

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