Polski Związek Krótkofalowców


Polski Klub Radiovideografii

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Preliminary observations on the width of the columns in the tables

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Sometimes, when you select a award  on the screen may appear to us   deformed table layout as in the figure below

Deformed board for diploma - that is the width of the
columns is random

Because the users screen resolution may be different so it is impossible to determine the proper column widths. The AWARD_SECRETATRY was equipped with a mechanism so set the width of columns and remember column widths for each table associate with a award . In order to set the column width you must put mouse pointer to the border between two columns and holding down the left mouse button move the mouse to the right and then let go of the left mouse button and leave mouse in a new position.

After releasing the mouse, our area will look like

Moving the column widths also applies to the table double-row summarizing

After the final displacement of all the fields, our table will look as follows

Appearance of the final array

Determination of the width of each column will immediately record the width of the columns above mentioned in the relevant table and write it to disk immediately.

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Preliminary observations on the width of the columns in the tables

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