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Optimization Tactics for checking confirmations QSO for ARRL awards

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Optimization cost checking  QSO for ARRL awards

As mentioned earlier in the chapter thatost lead to diplomas ARRL application to achieve lowest cost checking QSL cards QSL confirmations or LOTW. Cost optimization tactics checking confirmations for ARRL DXCC diplomas can be demonstratively show in this example of the English station. QSO should be selected according to the scheme

1 sze QSO - G3AA  on band  10m emission  CW

2-gie QSO -  G3AB on band  20m emission Phone

3-cie QSO -  G3AC on band  15m emission DIGITAL  (RTTY lub PSK)

There we have at cost 45 cent 3 bands and 3 emission

Of course have also resolved category MIXED EMISSION


Here we see that with increasing bandwidth at the same time, we must also increase emissions . In program AWARD_SECRETARY to optimize costs , as a basis is taken  the principle that first is calculated award  DXCC_5_BANDS . Only in this award is calculated achievement for 5 bands and all emissions. After calculating the award  DXCC_5_BANDS need to be save to a disk (in the table MYSQL ). The program saves in the main table  QSOS_AWARDS the additional custom fields discussed above , the state and the status of this field for the ARRL awards :


for each QSO with an table award  DXCC_5_BANDS . These fields are later used as the basis for calculating the remaining 17 awards ARRL. Optimization process is shown below. Other  awards ARRL ,  if they are calculated also write or correct  this  fields, what mean , if was already been selected by DXCC_5_BANDS,  write such states for new QSO. In this way the interdependencies that exist between awards  ARRL are "trapped" in the main log table  QSOS_AWARDS. You can kind of tell that " communication between the ARRL awards " is via the main table  QSOS_AWARDS log in a moments when program  need to calculate a new diploma or update an existing diploma.

Diagram of the cost optimization procedure for the inquisitive;

Diagram of the procedure cost optimization
checking confirmations QSOs QSL cards or LOTW

As has been mentioned previously, the program selects the QSO for every award  (also not ARRL ) automatically. However, for each award  there are posibillity to choice another QSO for award manually . For example, we want to not use this card , because it has a nice QSL graphics. This has been described and illustrated here. However, in case DXCC_5_BANDS award  which is the basis for other ARRL awards , I  do not recommend do change  the selection by hand in a DXCC_5_BANDS - because then perturb principlecost optimization checking QSO for QSL cards or  LOTW .There are, however, exists moments in which we cannot do in this way .

This happens for amateurs who have already obtained an ARRL awards. The program AWARD_SECRETARY has the ability to conduct award supplement - endorsement . In this case the first calculation for  DXCC_5_BANDS award  entrust to program automatically and then change the automatically selected QSO, such as those we used actually. Will it be optimal - certainly not - but specifically depends on whether you previously choose QSO / QSL as described here .

Besides, I recommend the calculation and save diploma DXCC_5_BANDS only when the conditions fulfilled for at least one award  ARRL. Such aggregated information we can get from most loggers. Typically, first we meet the requirements for  award  DXCC_MIXED in the form of 100 countries (entities ). Only then should begin DXCC_5_BANDS calculations. One might ask why ???

Here you have to ask yourself additional  question : Is the same QSOs will be selected when we have confirmed 100 countries and over time we reached 200 countries confirmed. You have to answer, unfortunately, they will not be selected the same QSO. Why ??


For example, for the 1st when we have 100 countries, it is not always present for this country 3 QSO on different bands with different emission . We have done eg for England 3 QSO

1. G1AA on band10M  emission SSB

G1AB on band 20M also emission SSB

G1AC on band  40m also emission SSB

Program in 1st  choose for  DXCC_5_BANDS all these 3 QSO - but the same emission . We will save the state DXCC_5_BANDS award.

In the meantime, we have made the application for  award  DXCC_MIXED 100 countries (entities ). We now want to report supplement (endorsement) for  DXCC_MIXED award 


Now for the 2nd case of 200 countries confirmed, we have  the following three QSOs

2. G1BA on 10M band emission CW

G1AB on band 20M emission SSB

G1BC on band 40M emission  Digital (RTTY or PSK)

We see here that the QSO are do  on the different bands and different emissions, and therefore best suited for cost optimization. But if we can replace the QSO depends on whether the QSOs with the 1st case has not reached the status  AWARDED or APPLIED ,  already approved or filed in any other awards ,  for example  in a DXCC_MIXED award .The program replace  these QSOs , only when it will be possible - but not always it will be possible because program must keep these QSOs already reached AWARDED state or APPLIED- ie approved or notified

Scheme updating procedure award  DXCC_5_BANDS for the curious

Diagram of the update procedure award



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Optimization Tactics for checking confirmations QSO for ARRL awards

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