Polski Związek Krótkofalowców


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Bookmark Main database of QSOs

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Starting from version 1.1.8 AWARD_SECRETARY errors discussed previously in this place errors , what recognize program will not appear ,  because it was do by wrong writing parameters by the user during the installation of MYSQL database and wrong write user name and password  . Now install the database MYSQL makes program  MYSQL_INSTALL_AUTOMATIC_ALL_COMPONENT_AND_CONFIGURE_IT. exe , and this errors do not appear, although they are still recognized by the program.

In the bookmark Main QSO database  always appear when you start the program or when you select it from the menu .

After starting the program  appear this bellow window  :

Menu for bookmarks- main bokmark

After the 1st run the program check connect to Internet , next create all auxiliary tables , ie. List DXCC, Primary and Secondary table for many countries, and  table  for Polish awards codes , and table for  the table town and village (about 55 thousand town and villages) and table for  ZIP codes (about 65 thousand ZIP codes). for Poland . So great tables  need time to create it , up  in the case of the 1st run, it can take about 5 minutes. The program checks the date of files and table , and if no changes were made that such a process takes about 5-10 sec.

Appearance  1st bookmark The main source of QSOs

At that time, some buttons and items bellow not is not show , to not do  malfunction by the user. If everything is correct on this screen appear buttons:

and becomes apparent  bellow box for choice not standard  data for awards module

It should be emphasized that the connection to  Internet should be proper . It is required to determine if your version is up to date in case there is no connection, you may receive the following message

If your program uses a demo license only after you click OK you will then continue to work

Besides, if you use a full license may also occur

Here, when you press OK, the program will finalize work

Besides checking the connection with the CLUBLOG and in case of its lack of reporting on the on-screen message


In the event of a failure of the Internet network, the description of how to check the causes of the failure can be found here


After calling the bookmark  and selecting button Show only selected fields, and if you previously read data  from the file  ADIF this screen will appear to us in the form

Appearance of the screen when you select - Show only selected fields

As indicated in the above figure, there are five areas

This chapter describing  the following points :

1.Area No 1 - QSOs

1.1The first button which will delete all records QSO from the table qsos_awards and removal all tables from the database

1.2 Second button is used to enter data with a possible correction (update) data from a fil of .adi

1.3 Additional functions to perform in the 1st area

2.Area No 2 -system messages and indicating irregularities in the fields Nr.ADIF, Country Name, County, CQ Zone, ITU Zone
3.Area No 3 selection fields to display
4.Area No 4 - error messages in the input data
5.Area No 5 - control elements and for select
6.Custom fields not standard used by AWARD_SECRETARY, concepts SELECTED , APPLIED ,AWARDED in the awards ARRL

1. Area No.1 QSOs

This area shows all QSOs with an basic table log qsos_awards. Reading  data from the logger is done by producing a file type  .ADIF in a logger and loading it from the menu by selecting from a menu Import from file ADIF

Further proceedings are described in Section 2. Steps to make when you want to load or update the data about QSOs in a chapter - Description of operations for the 1st application award

If the program does not find any errors posibble to find , you can continue working. You then have two buttons to enter data into the table qsos_awards.


1. 1. The first button which will delete all records QSO from the table qsos_awards and  remove all tables from the database

This button should only be used  only at the 1st reading data .adif from logger or  in the time do the test , if you need removing all of our tests on awards. Loading data is here by use fast  hurt import method . Never again use this button during normal operation. The only exception is the case here as follows:

1.you want to do test on other data, but would like to keep all previously made calculations for awards .
3.Now you can make testing program for other data and awards . You can now use this button Delete Exist QSOs and Awards -Enter New Records data .
4.When you do make all testing clear  new awards what you  created ,  by use  button

When you select this button, appear to us this :

A screen with information ,
that will be deleted all the



1.2. Second button is used to enter data with a possible correction (updates) data from a file  of .adi

Correcting data update process is very labor intensive and very difficult in the implementation in the program. Only  a few loggers allows update all records and all fields Correcting a single user record in a logger is possible because only includes one record and usually improves only some fields. But improving all the records if the correcting  may concern any field is a very laborious process (for example, 60 thousand QSO and for every QSO is present  about 100 fields sometimes very long texts). Such overlap existing field values basically in logger's is unacceptable. But I had to work in AWARD_SECRETARY method of applying existing QSOs ,  with  fast and effective. Using QSO number submitted by the logger as an index is out of the question - because loggers allow Renumbering QSOs. Update record by  record by  searching the record in the database by specific field  is very time consuming and  take about 10 minutes to 20 thousand QSOs. Therefore, in the main table  QSOs - QSOS_AWARDS introduced an additional field called CRC  .

CRC - is  of a sum of string fields: QSO_DATE + TIME_ON  + CALL + BAND + MODE .for example . 1963-12-0718:20:00OK1ALQ80MCW .The defined field CRC in this way , provides unique record that is - certainly not happen again  record with the same CRC. .This is the field type  text - but it is indexed. Indexing greatly accelerates the data corrected UPDATE ..and allows one-word instructions make MYSQL update existing all records or insert record in the case of a new record. . Note, however the user would cannot  change any of the parameters described above, in particular the time QSOs up to 1 sec, because it will be a new QSO, and old QSO can already be used to some other award .

QSO records are collect  from the file .adi.  Next appears :


End of the update process
or inserting records

In contrast, if you change fields like DXCC_NO, CQ_Zone or ITU_Zone program assumes this as  the new data. Especially pay attention to the country of Serbia number ADIF = 296 and the entity Yugoslavia that I had as  DXCC_NO = 511 , was changed and now have number 296. This is the reason many mistakes


1.3 Additional functions to perform in the 1st area

In this area designated above , there is the ability to perform additional functions:

sorting columns - after two quick pressing the left mouse button on the name of the field is do sorting the display order in the name field double-clicking .  Againg two quick clicking  reverses the order of organizing

Change sorting order

Search QSO from menu  achievable after you click the right mouse button in the 1st area

Menu attainable when you press the right button mouse - look
for QSO by character or by ID_QSO and the ability to
temporary selection with card QSL has not been

After choose Search station appear

then the first area  appears as

The appearance of the screen once you
find the searched callsign

We see that in the middle above the screen appeared a QSO with the searched callsign . At the same time the program sorts the column with a callsign. so that if the same station there any other QSOs that they will be reported immediately after the 1st occurrence of the searched callsign

After selecting the QSO search by the identifer  ID_QSO.


Found QSO by
identifer ID_QSO=2100

In each table in the program AWARD_SECRETARY, you can change the width of the column fields by "grabbing" the left mouse button and slide separation column holding the left mouse button and pressed it ,  move it to the left or right. After releasing the mouse button  vertical line remains  at this point to  determining the new width of the column. These new width are immediately written to disk, even if you have changed the width of one column

Change width column

Change width column




2. Area No 2 -system messages and  indicating irregularities in the fields Nr.ADIF, Country Name, County, CQ Zone, ITU Zone

In most this area has been discussed in the discussion of the1st area   .In addition in this area displays the SQL command that executed in a  program. For the end user, these commands do not matter - but if they appear a mistake in the Main tab QSOs please users to make some screenshots of screen and just dump this area - which will allow me to quickly detect the causes of errors

SQL commands in the message window

AWARD_SECRETARY program in addition to the formal verification of the QSO data validation checks the information given by the logger about the DXCC list. if you are using a comparison with CLUBLOG described here

If there is a difference for DXCC program inform about it  in a suitable message on the screen, and saves the file with report  Error_report_adif.txt


Discrepancies between the data on the Entities
ie No, Adif, CQZone, ITUZone from the logger
and from the CLUBLOG website. You now
make decision whether to continue
or interrupt and once again perform
the above steps




Example saving report might look like


I has discover that there are differencies between the data imported

from logger"s  for the country, and calculated in CLUBLOG

  FROM LOGGER                                              FROM CLUBLOG

Call Date NO_QSO Country ADIF_No CQZ ITUZ Country  ADIF_No CQZ ITUZ


UW9YC    1966-02-23  73         Asiatic Ru 15   18  0           ASIATIC RU 15   18  30 

UW0SC    1966-03-23  96         Asiatic Ru 15   18  0           ASIATIC RU 15   18  30 

UA1ZM/M  1966-04-03  157        European R 54   16  19          EUROPEAN R 54   16  29 

UA9KAM   1966-04-03  162        Asiatic Ru 15   17  20          ASIATIC RU 15   17  30 

UW9WF    1966-04-03  171        Asiatic Ru 15   18  0           ASIATIC RU 15   16  30 

UA9GC    1966-04-03  172        European R 54   16  29          EUROPEAN R 54   17  29 



Number of QSOs with different ADIF_NO  = 2

Number of QSOs with different ADIF_NO and CQZone = 280

Number of QSOs with different ADIF_NO, CQZone and ITUZone = 1228


Above report was also saved in the file Error_report_adif.txt



We strongly recommend now interruption of the program and study this file Error_report.txt , because as my experience has shown that, despite the DXCC list is in a both the logger and AWARD_SECRETARY - CLUBLOG are correct ,  there may be especially QSO for old Russian station , that the same prefixes that have been used for other zones CQ (oblast) in the past. The best in this case, see the QSL card and see what gives QSL card for the country, CQ Zone, ITU Zone . Correcting  should be made in the logger and re-produce a file of .adi.

Addition, there may be ordinary errors in the logger . For example, for a QSO in a 2010 year for the Federal Republic of Germany I noticed that I had a assigned that this country lies in the target CQzone = 28 , but had be lie in the 15-th CQZone. Probably Logger32 had mistaken entries  about CQ zones and zones of the ITU (converted). Since then Logger32 never again does not correct this entry (deliberately to remember CQ zone and no ADIF for entries in the past) , this error rebounded in award for CQ zone - especially for SPDX_MARATHON. Remember - when the input data will be error - the results can also be wrong .



From our opinion depends  if  proceed with further work. If the differences are as a result of another qualifying for the QSO in the past and we are confident that this was so in the past, then we can continue working .After you click NO program exits. After pressing OK, we can continue further work, ie we should choose the button first or second


3. Area No 3 selection fields to display

Area for selecting fields for diplay

We see that the third area is contain two-column table. On the left-field placed names fields according to the standard ADIF and 14 fields  which uses its own custom  names , what use AWARD_SECRETARY. On the right side are placed fields that are used to display only selected fields when you press the button  The left side field are copied to the right. when will select the field and press the button  . If you want to delete a field on the right, select the field  in the right window and press the button  .   Movements fields in the right window (that hence change the display order of fields) in the down or up  is made by  button  ( down ) or  ( up ) .


4. Area No 4 - error messages in the input data

This area indicates formal errors , that may occur in the data file  from .adi input file. It  is not critical error . Example of this field:

Example show area No 4
with formal errors

In addition, the program checks the so-called critical errors, the omission of which could cause a later malfunction of the program or give erroneous results

Critical error  in ADIF  file

and appears  message

Message about formal errors

Save in a file Error_critical_report.txt

There is no exists band = 200 which was used in the adi file for QSO number  = 1  in table from the file OTHER SOURCE \ BANDS.csv ie.

Write email about this fact to the  author who will correct this file  , which permanently make this correct

CALL =  SP9PT   ON BAND 200    DATE_QSO  20131215    TIME_ON  112000


In the input adif file is present critical errors


Polish signs were replaced in the field QTH by ASCII characters due to

international use of this program AWARD_SECRETARY


Above report was also saved in the file Error_critical_report.txt


AWARD_SECRETARY checks this followig fields  :

1.ID_QSO - whether it is an integer value
2.DXCC_NO - whether it is an integer value
3.CQ_ZONE - whether it is an integer value
4.ITU_ZONE - whether it is an integer value
5.LOTW_QSLRDATE  - Checking and correction of the date format
6.LOTW_QSLSDATE - Checking and correction of the date format
7.QSLRDATE              - Checking and correction of the date format
8.QSLSDATE              - Checking and correction of the date format
9.QSO_DATE             -  Checking and correction of the date format
10.QSO_DATE_OFF  -   Checking and correction of the date format
11.TIME_OFF              -   Checking and correction of the date format
12.TIME_ON                -  Checking and correction of the date format
13. General check the following variables and possible correction. The correction is based on this that all the characters as   ,     '       "   will be replaced with a space. This is done for the following variables in the record:


Best to investigate the causes of errors is analyze Error_report.txt file, at the end of the program, which in this case will be enforced. The most common cause of bugs is putting a question mark in the characters ???? eg JO90 ??

In order to correct these errors, it is recommended to edit  this  data in a logger and produce a new file  of ADIF again and re-import it into AWARD_SECRETARY


5 . Area No 5 - control elements and for select

This area provides the following data indirect :

1.Amount of countries in the official list of DXCC with countries deleted, now at  day 14.11.2012 r = 401
2.Amount of countries in the official list of DXCC without  countries deleted , now at  day 14.11.2012 r = 339
3.Is there present a  connection to the internet and ping time to one of the popular server on the Internet
4.Button  allowing once again check the connection to the Internet
5.File name  .adi used for the last modification database MYSQL table  QSOS_AWARDS.
6.Field with a custom menu for choice module .dll serving to provide custom data for national awards . In the Polish case ismodule   IN_POLSKA.dll
7.The Help button is used to obtain help on the bookmark Main QSO  Database


6. Custom fields not standard used by AWARD_SECRETARY, concepts SELECTED_ , APPLIED ,AWARDED in  the awards ARRL

In addition to the standard ADIF field AWARD_SECRETARY in the main log table MYSQL    qso_awards   stores additions fields with  bellow  names


In addition, the program uses are 10 other fields .. These are called custom fields or own fields for program's AWARD_SECRETARY . To  explains the importance of these fields , first I will introduce the reader to the concepts that apply to the for ARRL award , or filing an application called. For this purpose, show a screenshot from my account LOTW

Zrzut ekranowy z konta SP9AUV na LOTW
Scrennshoot from account SP9AUV on LOTW page

You see this concept : Selected , Applied , Awarded . What they mean? . Literal translation  there will be a very imperfect . However, understanding these concepts is crucial for  awards ARRL . So I will explain the importance of these concepts in a more transparent :

The concept SELECTED.  In a page LOTW   SELECTED ,  means that in the column SELECTED , was given NO_Of_QSOs , who agreed to the QSO  correspondents. If you apply this concept to paper QSL cards, it means that the data was confirmed by  QSL QSL card and was selected  to the QSL cards , what  can be used to ARRL award.
The concept APPLIED. In the case of the data in the column LOTW_ data in a column APPLIED appear when you decide to choose a award and QSOs to apply for a award .. Then LOTW calculates the amount of money  for completing the QSO for award . But before you can  link  to other callsigns ,  if  such you have. Also we have to choose QSOs which you want to  take  to calculate award . The next step is select the Application_ and answers to the questions ,what  will be presented to you , also amount to be paid.    After choice  method of payment and acceptance of Applied column will appear some numbers. If you apply this concept to paper QSL cards, it means that the QSO has been assigned to a given date by DATE_SUBMMITTED button

which results in the appearance of DATE_SUBMMITTED (this term is used instead of standard ADIF concepts DATE_APPLIED ) in the table award

DATE_SUBMITTED assigning meaning of QSOs
were presented - otherwise applied to the award

The concept AWARDED. Numbers in this column on LOTW appear when you pay for a award or awards, and our fee will be reviewed and will be verified your choices QSOs. Then we can expect that it will soon be sent to us paper award .If apply this concept to paper QSL cards, it means that they QSOs have been approved by our DXCC Checker and a check has been approved by the ARRL. After receiving  award at our table we can mark the date of approval - DATE_GRANTED (this term is used in a standard  ADIF  instead of  concepts DATE_AWARDED ). This is done by pressing

which results in the appearance of  DATE_GRANTED in table award

Assigning meaning DATE_GRANTED
QSO was recognized that award and was
- the state AWARDED

QSO or QSL what have  the state AWARDED both LOTW and paper method does not need to re-submit - or even have a new notification application to another award .


Now we can return to the explanations in the main meaning of the fields, ie the log.table  qsos_awards ,  mentioned above tj 

STATUS_FOR_ARRL_AWARDS_ . This field can have the following values

and so the values provided for by the ARRL in LOTW. The program AWARD_SECRETARY due to the need to sort these fields according to the validity of the field was adopted symbols A_BLANK, B_SELECTED, C_APPLIED, D_AWARDED)


SUPPLY_ARRL_AWARDS_ (translated by approximating the function-> : can power the following awards ARRL). This field is used to indicate awards  ARLL for which this QSO can be used for example,  DXCC_5_BANDS , DXCC_20M, DXCC_CW, DXCC_MIXED, - means that the QSO can be applied to the awards and also  DXCC_5_BANDS and also DXCC_20M and DXCC_CW and also DXCC_MIXED


NAME_ARRL_AWARDS_DO_ENTRY_. (Translated by approximating the function: Names awards forming input for awards ) This field is used to indicate awards  ARLL for which it was used and, for example sample value for QSO  with a station 4X2Z  (with  ID_QSO = 8002) takes the value = DXCC_5_BANDS SELECTED, DXCC_MIXED APPLIED what means that has been applied to the awardes:
DXCC_5_BANDS with the state SELECTED ie  has been selected for this award
DXCC_MIXED with the state APPLIED tzn , ie  has been selected for  award   DXCC_MIXED and it was given the date of the submission of the QSO to the award   DATE_SUBMITTED with actual date  .

This same QSO after assigning him DATE_GRANTED by date current after obtaining the award  will take values: DXCC_5_BANDS SELECTED, DXCC_MIXED AWARDED, which means that it has been applied to the awards :

DXCC_5BANDS still with state SELECTED
DXCC_MIXED with the new state AWARDED ,  obtain this ARRL award .


Someone might ask at this point - why all the wonders in  the ARRL awards ?. In all   ARRL award follows the principle of cost optimization QSL card verification by paper  QSL or by LOTW.


QSO once submitted and approved reaches the state AWARDED (The amount has already been paid for this check) .  It may be re-used for other award without incurring additional costs for checking the confirmation of the QSO by QSL card or by LOTW . For example:

- QSO with a station on the band G3FGH 20M SSB may be applied to the following awards ARRL:


- DXCC 20 M



In this way, for 15 cents, we have settled one country and four diplomas


The above principle leads to cost optimization tactics QSL cards or checking LOTW presented in Section