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Configure MySQL 5.5 by program Workbench 5.2.34

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To configure MySQL server version 5.5 is not suitable MYSQL Administration program, so it must be used another program  Workbench version 5.2.34. Its use is much more difficult than using MYSQL Administration. But Workbench, version 2.5.34 is a more useful tool for designers and developers  - because it builds models of the structure of the database called ERR model and dependencies in the relational database model. Unfortunately, the use MYSQL MYSQL Administration for server version 5.5 causes malfunction of MySQL Administration. Therefore, we are forced to use Workbench, version 2.5.34. With a bit of good desire to know of new products and the description I posted here , that the average ham is able to overcome these difficulties.

Process configuration MySQL server   v 5.5 using the Workbench, version 5.2.34 comes down to the following items similar in substance to the configuration for server 5.1 that described above.

1.Create a database (schema) using the function Create new ERR Model
2..Create a new instance server mysqld server @ localhost. This new server instance is used for server administration, ie setting up new users to perform backup and restore the database from a database file. Member of this instance is the root, so he has all the rights to perform all actions on the database
3.Create a connection to the database AWARDS_BASE - which is the base used by the program AWARD_SECREATARY. Causing the creation of connections we make in SQL Development New Connection.
4.Configure  for connections ODBC driver to MySQL databases as it has been for MySQL version 5.1 - see



Ad 1 . Creation Database  AWARDS_BASE.

First, we need to Create the database - in other schema. For Workbench to create the database must use the Create new ERR model. We run from menu Window  program Workbench ,

Create a new database (Schema) .In this case,
create a new database model

Edit database  (schema)

Renaming database  to

Adding a new user

Ad 2 . Create a new instance of mysqld server @ localhost

Now we need to add a new server instance dedicated to administrative tasks. To do this, go to the first bookmark (Home) and select

Create a New Server Instance intended for
administrative purposes

Specifying the host (localhost) on
that is running server MYSQL

Defining connections from which
is uses a new server instance MYSQL
- Here we use the root user and password.
Our database user AWARDS_BASE
will assume later

Test connections from the root to the existing
database already installed as standard

Parameters Windows' directory
for the new instance of the server

Test setting host

Report on the success of connections
for a new server instance

Report on the completion of the creation a new
server instance

Opening a new server instance to
perform administrative tasks

Administration screen for add a new user

Administration screen to add a new user

Creating an account USER_AWARDS to log on to

Setting up all the privileges for the user USER_AWARDS

Now we return to the bookmark  MYSQL Model


The choice saving model to actual file

Saving actual model  

Look what appear in the bookmark HOME

Checks which items have been created so far

We go out now from  the Workbench program and start it again if we are in Windows XP

Where we are in Windows 7 (32 bit or 64 bit) does not come out from the program , but continue the next point. The reason for this is that then we would have to run MySQL Workbench program as Administrator privileges. This is due to a different conception of rights to the directory Program Files and Program Files (x86) in Windows  7. After completion of the configuration of MySQL Workbench will be able to run it already with the user rights .


Ad.3 Create a connection to the database AWARDS_BASE

Choosing to create a new

Parameters for connections to the database

Ad.3.1 Synchronization for model AWARDS_BASE

Now open the model AWARDS_BASE

Opening AWARDS_BASE model
to do synchronize

Begin synchronize model

Step second synchronization model for AWARDS_BASE

Step third synchronization model for AWARDS_BASE

Step fourth synchronization model for AWARDS_BASE

Step fifth synchronization model for AWARDS_BASE
After selecting you can make there changes
however, is not necessary

Step sixth synchronization model for AWARDS_BASE

Step 7-we synchronization model for AWARDS_BASE
The successful implementation of the process -
should press Close

Ad.3.2 Correction permissions for user  USER_AWARDS

In the previous sections for the user USER_AWARDS was assigning all the rights to all databases. However, we want to give these right is only to  AWARDS_BASE database. Therefore we call the administrative instances as follows

Calling administrative actions

Changing privileges for USER_AWARDS
based only database (Schema)

Defining new privileges

Define new privileges - continue