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Installing MYSQL database version 5.5

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For proper operation and service  the program AWARD_SECRETARY at this moment, ie as of 14.04.2012, you need to install all the packages for MySQL 32-bit version

. While there are present  versions of the MySQL server and MySQL ODBC Connector for 64 bit ,  but the components for the design of an application that uses the same 64-bit architecture are an absolute novelty and are payable to the high costs . In addition, the same program in 64-bit program version requires a 64-bit version libraries and components in a 64 bit when design it 

1.MySQL Community Server as a file mysql-5.5.24-win32.msi. This is the basic and main engine supports MYSQL database. The latest version of this package, you can download one from the website




At the date of writing this guide there occurs packages v 5.5.24 version


2. MySQL Workbench 5.2.39 version is in the form of file mysql-workbench-gpl-2.5.39-win32.msi. This is a new package and includes the package  MySQL Workbench version 5.2.39 what  provides for administrators and developers integrated environment in the form of tools allowing to perform this operating  :

Design database and modeling to create a model of a relational database ERR. Please do not scare that we have to design a model of ERR. From this point we are interested only that we need to start creating this  model by create the database - otherwise known as Schema and create a database  titled  AWARDS_BASE we can finish work with concept ERR model.
Administration database (instead of MySQL Administrator). At this point, we can create user database and give him  the permissions to execute the commands of SQL and create a database backup and restore the database from the previously saved file.
Creation of database connections .

The latest version of this package is available on the website


3. MySQL Connector  ODBC as a file mysql-workbench-gpl-2.5.39-win32.msi.

This package offers a program call (driver) to the MySQL database in a standard data exchange ODBC or JDBC. It is used by  AWARD_SECRETARY program. You can download it from the page .


There he is offered in four versions. We are interested only first  32-bit version of the MSI installer type. .

However, it is better to download them from my server by pressing the button below


Installing MySQL Workbench 5.2.39 version for MySQL version 5.5 required install the following additional packages

Net Framework in version 4.0
Microsoft Visuall C ++ redistuable runtime package .

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