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Installing MySQL Workbench Version 5.2.39

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For administration service  MySQL version 5.5 is designed MySQL Workbench version 5.2.39 . It differs significantly from  MYSQL Administration program in version 1.2.17. MySQL Workbench, version 5.2.39 provides administrators and developers  integrated environment of tools allowing to perform:
Database Design and Modeling
Database browsing
Administration database (instead of MySQL Administrator)

MySQL Workbench program in a version 2.5.39 is quite a complicated program to use and designed primarily for designers -developers MYSQL database , however, is free of the disadvantages of a MySQL Administration, which is no longer being upgraded  . In order to install this product, run the installation program mysql-workbench-gpl-2.5.39-win32.msi package downloaded from my website MYSQL_INSTAL.ZIP

Starting the installation program
MySQL Workbench

Welcome Screen for Installation  MYSQL Workbench

Selecting the destination folder for the installation
in Program Files (x86) as it is the 32-bit

Selecting a complete installation

We see to what directory
will be installed program

Completing the installation program
MySQL Workbench