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Downloading program DXCC_XML_LIST.exe

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Programs was developed in two versions:

1.In the user version of the application program in Delphi
2.In the version of the utility in C++ (now been deleted, since this version is no longer expanded, and served only to check cooperation for module. dll   DXCC List with application program written in C ++)


Dll module library for dxcc List DXCC_List.dll    is designed in Delphi.

You can download  program by clicking on the following button. The programs are completely free - free. It can bedownload it and use by every ham-radio

The program does not require any installation. You just unzip the file on any drive and run DXCC_XML_LIST.exe.


Download DXCc_XLM_LIST program in the version of the utility in Delphi



Files wad download 




Persons  who have downloaded this program are asked to fill up for the form below. although this is not a prerequisite to download the program ..

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Please enter you callsign and correct e-mail :



I would simply like to know if my job is useful to someone. Such persons will be notified whenever new version of the program. You can enter your callsign  + or e-mail. or just e-mail, or simply because some how he will choose Nick. If you have any questions, you can type your comments or questions to my fudforum




Version history for the user program  DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE

DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE version 1.1.4 at  17.07.2020 year

In this version, I do the following changes

Was do changes for CTY.XML file for CLUBLOG .

DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE version 1.1.3 at  04.06.2018 year

In this version, I do the following changes

the INTERFACE NOT SUPPORTED error has been removed as a result of the changes made to the site addresses for CLUBLOG, because  AWARD_SECRETARY also works with CLUBLOG

DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE version 1.1.1 at  22.12.2015 year

In this release I do the following changes

It was detected that the header data in the adif  file in from the logger DX4-Win is not a standard .Program was adapted  to this exception. In the DX4WIN header is on form  as single line   DX4WIN ADIF Export V1.0 <eoh>, and the standard ADIF provides for a header in the form of at least two lines

DX4WIN ADIF Export V1.0


Some loggers such DX4WIN not produce a important  field OPERATOR . The program now detects this situation and notifies the user. Field OPERATOR is added to the output file ADIF, saved by pressing the SAVE FILE. The value of this field is taken from the file  of configuration parameters setup_dll.ini ., for personal data station .
At the moment, the program assumes format for field QSO_DATE as YYYYMMDD eg 20151221. For  a field format TIME_ON and TIME_OFF is taken as HHMMSS ie 130323 eg This format is dictated such a format used in standard ADIF. He has nothing in common and do not interfere with said lower national standard Windows for PC  This format is used for the file  of ADIF input -  and the output file .
On the screen, however, QSO_DATE is displayed as  2015-12-21  and TIME_ON is  displayed as 13:03:23 .


DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE version 1.1.0 at  15.12.2015 year

In this release I do the following changes

Fixed a problem where a different date format used in various countries - due to the use of the program in different countries. File CTY.XML download from CLUBLOG uses the following format of the dates in his file  of XML


       <name>BLENHEIM REEF</name>









As you see there  is used format yyyy-MM-dd .For different countries are used completely different standards, eg. for Britain dd/MM/yyyy.

For the USA , it is used standard for date M/d/ yyy. Here it is mentioned the so-called standard short date. Besides, there is still the notion of the so-called standard  long date . It was to , that the program behaved unexpectedly in a different national environments. To not to change the type of date in the settings of Windows, the program DXCC_XLM_LIST uses its own format for a date that does not conflict with other programs that use Windows setting date type. The program DXCC_XLM_LIST must do  many operations on dates of QSO, since DXCC entity is determined not only by the prefix stations, but also on the basis of the date of the QSO. Also, cooperation with CLUBLOG is made using date. So the program will work properly in different countries


DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE version 1.0.9 at  17.10.2015 year

In this release I do the following changes

Enhnced  ..dll library module for DXCC list for a  new features
Enhanced message which appear  as a result appear  a  new version of the program. Now this message contains a link after clicking on which we will  immediately directed to the site downlading  the files
now in the program header line appears the inscription indicating the version of the program such as V .1.0.9.

DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE version 1.0.8 at  21.08.2015 year

- In this version was do the following changes and improvements

because many logger in the field QSL_Via inserts all give data from QRZ.COM or another server without any correcting this field ,  what users."innonovation" insert there.  DXCC_XML_LIST.exe was equipedd  into my routine to correct the field QSL_Via .decribed  there. This procedure is inserted into the universal modułl DXCC_LIST.dll what  cooperate with dxcc list in a  CLUBLOG.

DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE version 1.0.7 at  13.07.2015 year

Due to it that the website CLUBLOG have now been redesigned using HTML5 technology in the browser I was chane program  to cooperate with those pages . Previous Browser.exe was used directly  Internet Explorer. The current version Intenet Explorer v 11.0 does not include HTML5 therefore I  designed a new Browser_chrome.exe which is based on  technology by Google Chrome, but does not depend directly from Chrome, because all the components ie. dll - is present in  the  directory where is present program DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE

DXCC_XML_LIST.EXE version 1.0.1 at  29.07.2014 year

Start program .



Version history for the dll's  for developers (global world list DXCC) - DXCC_lst.dll

DXML_lst.dll version 1.0.0 at  29.07.2014 year

Start dll's

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Downloading program DXCC_XML_LIST.exe

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