Polski Związek Krótkofalowców


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Cooperation of AWARD_SECRETARY with MIXW4 when numbering QSL cards

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Unfortunately, MIXW4 has some drawbacks that can sometimes make it completely impossible to work

1.Unfortunately, it has very large screens. When using a 15-inch screen monitor with a resolution of 768 pixels vertically, the tall screens will probably fall outside the screen area and therefore it will not be possible to scale it. The minimum height I was able to reach was 804 pixels. when hiding the taskbar as below

a następnie


2.In MIXW4, unfortunately, all functions are called from icons, not from some menu. All icons calling functions are usually placed at the bottom of the window, which, combined with very high screens, makes it difficult to use the program. In addition, to find a function, you need to pause the cursor on this icon for a while to respond with the Help context function. I prefer pull-down menus, as I can see a whole group of functions right away.
3.As ADIF field through which NO_QSL_CARD is transmitted  was assigned field QSLMSG . This field is typically used to enter various comments regarding the submission of QSL cards. The program AWARD_SECRETARY has been constructed in such a way that such descriptions can remain, only the NO_QL_CARD number is inserted at the beginning, then one or more spaces and a possible description. The total field length can be up to 80 characters. So the possible entries are as follows
1002 I am waiting for a QSL card via QQORS
1003-1 only send DIRECT card
4. We have to "say" AWARD_SECRETARY in a what field will be passed NO_QSL_CARD. This is done in the personal data configuration screen

pass to  AWARD_SECRETARY that in the field
QSLMSG will be sent to QSL Card No.

Now I will show how to enter in MIXW4 NO_QSL_CARD, when we receive a QSL card and we want to indicate that QSL has been received .

I received such a QSL card from the VE3UTT station

QSL card received from station  VE3UTT

Now it is necessary to introduce to MIXW4 the fact that the QSL card has been received. It is here a card common for  many QSOs. We peel off the printed sheet of stickers with the numbers of QSL cards, another sticker, e.g. No. 6001, and stick it in some free area of the QSL. Such sticking has been agreed with the Polish DXCC-Checker. After sticking, this QSL looks like


QSL  card received with a stcker for Number  QSL


We start the MIXW4 program from the icon on the desktop by pressing it with the mouse

Apper the screen

The appearance of the entire MIXW4 screen after startup

We are interested in putting the data regarding the QSL card number in the log, so it calls the Show Log QSO icon

Running log

Then enter the QSL callsign  in the field  Filters

Entering the callsign of the station being searched
for in the Filters-Text field and press ENTER
on the keyboard

Validate the callsign you are looking for by
pressing ENTER from the keyboard

Then press the mouse twice on the desired QSO - in this case on the QSO on 40 M.

Entering the QSL card number in the
QSLMSG field and the indication
that the card has been received

Now it remains to enter the numbers for the common card, watching only the QSO date and QSO time

Entering other numbers in the QSLMSG field
for the common QSL card

Now we should produce the ADIF file somehow, which will contain the entered data. For this, we call

Esport full  Log  to ADIF fie

Save ADIF file

Now let's look at the result after reading the ADIF data   in AWARD_SECRETARY

Final assigned numbers of QSL cards in
the table MYSQL --- QSOS_AWARD data