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Checking existing QSL bureau

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Starting with version 3.0.0 HAM_SECRETARY introduced  the analysis of whether for country from QSO's exists QSL bureau for this country.

It is made based on a file Countries_without_QSL_bureau.txt which is based on data posted on the ARRL page




The program may carry out the analysis immediately prior to printing - see - or you can call this function directly from the main menu .



This brings us to the screen to check the offices QSL bureau


Screen for Checking QSL bureau

You must now select a file of source data on QSO to verify by pressing button in  this window

Chosing file for checking

and validate date format in the file of input

This brings us

Windows for check errors in data QSO file

At the end we will be shown in the window list of QSOs and name of the country - for which there are no offices QSL bureau .

Windows with list of QSO and Coutries for with is not
present QSL Bureau

Apart from the above listing in a directory on disk where you got the file to check this  report is saved to a text Report_QSO_country_without_QSL_bureau.txt.

The program ignores checking if in the field QSL_Via inserted at the beginning  the word DIRECT. Also, if the card has to go through the QSL manager - for example, inserted W3IHK - then examined whether the country of  QSL Manager have  QSL bureau. ie here for W3IHK