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Shortcut description program for amateurs - radio developed by SP9AUV

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"AWARD_SECRETARY"  is used to make submissions on any award . The program is based on a database in MySQL format to which is read  data  from

file .adif coming from any logger

It performs the following functions

1.Making 1st application to the awards in the prescribed form by the publisher on paper or as a file for the method online
2.Perform the next  additions to diploma (endorsement} if it is provided by the publisher award
3.Automatic selection of confirmed QSO for award , depending on the method of confirmation (QSL only or only LOTW ) or mixed (First QSL second LOTW} or (FIRST LOTW second QSL)
4.There is an additional possibility to manually change this choice for some QSOs as such. I feel sorry for sending QSL card in such a nice graphical form
5.Continue their supplements awards submitted by hand by the old amateurs who already have some awards .. AWARD_SECRETARY offers three methods of recovery start state award based  of an external file containing notified to the approved QSOs
6.The data are read from the file. adif from any logger. These data can be examined in terms of the list DXCC on CLUBLOG by the internal web browser
7.Because we have already a database format MYSQL database , we can ask additional SQL queries  , as like give me unreliable QSL managers and how long you wait for the QSL card from them, Countries send - not confirmed, Time is waiting QSL card , Time is waiting direct QSL card, etc.
8.The program is equipped with a mechanism numbering QSL cards, ie sticking to the QSL small sticker with the number of QSL while selecting in the Logger fact that the QSL has been received. In the corresponding field in the Logger operator inserts the assigned number, which goes then to file  ADIF, and from there  is imported into a database for AWARD_SECRETARY After printing on paper or create file for the method online is shown this number, which greatly facilitates then find QSL in the home archive QSL cards .More  description here
9.The program offers merge several ARRL diplomas in a one notification application, which significantly reduce unit costs. More information here. Awards obtained by me from ARRL you can see when you click on



10 . Cost optimization for checking card confirmations QSL  or LOTW  for awards  ARRL tactics to optimize the cost of checking for confirmation of diplomas ARRL DXCC can be demonstratively show based on  example for station English . You must choose QSO according  this diagram

1 six QSO - G3AA on 10m CW
2nd QSO - G3AB on 20m band Phone
3rd QSO - G3AC on 15m band emission Digital (RTTY or PSK)

Here we have the 45 cents 3 band and 3 emissions. Of course we also have resolved the category MIXED EMISSION With increasing bandwidth should increase emissions. This makes sure my  program and doing it for the 1st application and subsequent endorsement . A more detailed description tactics optimization is here.

11. Adding a new diploma to this system relies only on development an additional module. dll in which it is contained the whole philosophy of the requirements for a award.

12, Because it is added only an additional .dll, all diplomas have the same interface, user interaction, so you do not need to learn new programs

13.  After installing AWARD_SECRETARY installation program itself passes to install MYSQL database

14. Installing MYSQL database is very easy because I developed a special program MYSQL_INSTALL_AUTOMATIC_ALL_COMPONENT_AND_CONFIGURE_IT.exe, thanks to which everything is done automatically. Then you must only click three buttons approval , and you not must choose any parametr and give it from the keyboard.

By clicking on the links below you can see what look screenshots from my program;

Screen - all the QSOs in the  database


Screen - Interface with the user based  example award  DXCC MIXED


Screen - application - an application for a award  DXCC MIXED - Page 1


Screen - application - an application for a award  DXCC MIXED - Page 2


Screen - untypical request - give me unreliable managers and how long I'm waiting for the card



Program BUREAU_ALL_QRZ_COM_FI.exe is designed to work with the Logger32 and four data servers for download personal data about ham-radio. The program retrieves the data from the server and sends it to the Logger32

The server can be manually selected from the following servers :

For choice server you must press the button CONFIG
In a CONFIG - you can also to select the language of with be working the program, and what data are sent to Looger32.
Downloaded data and especially the QSL_Via is checked and corrected , so that the field is suitable then to place on the QSL card. Practice has shown that ingenuity users in entering here incorrect and illogical data is unlimited. The program also in this case, is doing this well because it was designed with use elements artificial Intelligence . QSL_Via field correction rules are described on page
This Program also displays information if  for a given callsign is lack of worldwide QSL bureau .
The program is very fast , because the data program downloaded only text data without downloading images .
If you want to see and graphics that a station on the server you have to press the button Show in browser ..
If a station entered to the server such data as address internet in the form of a link or e-mail then it will be they are shown in the form of hyperlink in blue and after clicking on which will be called internet browser or client program such as e-mail. Thunderbird
Program from data downloaded from the server extract ZIP zip code and city QTH . For the Polish station is correct - while for other countries due to the variety of encoding methods for ZIP  this may not always be correct .


The program HAM_SECRETARY is used to assist hams in a secretarial activities related to its ham-radio activities, such as :

1. The activities related to printing:

Print QSL cards or labels directly from the program HAM_SECRETARY without the use of MS Word Mail Merge methodology
Print address on Envelopes and SASE envelopes for QSL cards sent direct
Download automatic address for cards sent direct from QRZ.COM or from four selected servers for any station for QSLs that should be sent DIRECT.
Check if for the QSO -  for his country is present QSL bureau
Print bookmarks between countries for the home archive QSL cards based on the DXCC list or number ADIF
Correction of the field QSL_via is passed to the Logger . On the server QRZ and others in this field users type any text what have at this moment in a our head and thought, but servers and is not made any correction and this data is not suitable for printing on QSL card.
If the correction field QSL_Via was not made before the program HAM_SECRETARY will be now do correction of this field.  QSL_Via field . Correction are described on page
Sorting printed QSL cards or labels by the chosen sorting criteria with moving order for the cards , what must to be sent via the QSL Manager
Print in the QSL card in order what user was chosed .
Cards that are to be sent DIRECT are printed at the end of heap of cards, so that you do not have to search  for them.
For Polish stations, ie having NR_ADIF = 269 cards are sent automatically  to the respective branch offices QSL, taken it  from the base OSEC PZK .Also Polish special stations and stations are recognized and also SILENT_KEY automatically  are placed the appropriate information.
Format for input file can be any: ADIF, csv
Printing is done on the basis of print patterns that can be design by user using a WYSIWYG (what you see it what you get). Delivered in adirectory HAM_SECRETARY\PATTERN_FOR_PRINTprint patterns will fit for each station as at the time printout you personal data station retrieves from the configuration file SETUP.INI
In the QSL card or labels can insert any graphic images which gives a strong tool to create full color QSL cards
Design pattern for printing on the QSL card may be be based on a scan of the back of the QSL - where then designed a template for printing QSL cards. This provides a powerful tool that almost at the first printing followed by corecttly exactly in the proper field .
Program checks whether a given callsign exists worldwide QSL office - taking the appropriate actions .
If you receive QSL from the printing house a few millimeters bigger or smaller you can directly move before printing the entire area by these few millimeters along the height or width


2.Other HAM_SECRETARY functions:.

The program can translate files from any format of the amateur ie .txt .csv .adi to any other of the same group formats
Sorting file ADIF, csv, according to the order given, ie
by sequence number entities in the file containing in the data DXCC.lst by the ARRL DXCC List
by number ADIF (in Logger32 field is named DXCC).
according to the station callsign for it is sent the QSL card
Searching for a given callsign Number ADIF or country - ie where put QSL card incoming in home archive QSLs




Program LOOKING_HAM_DATA is used for the following purposes:

Insertion to the file ADIF - usually after contest additional personal information for stations: Operator name and possibly the full name
QTH station Station address - from address is extracted code ZIP station
GRID station locator
Field QSL_Via corrected to the proper value, so that it is suitable to put on  QSL card. Rules for corection QSL_Via field correction are described on page
E-mail if present on QRZ server
Web address for owned website if present on QRZ server
state and county for US stations, which are also code PRIMARY and SECONDARY for other stations
Data personal is read from one of the four servers
You can retrieve data for all stations or selected in the program
Although generally program was developed for obtain data after contest , however, you can also use it for other purposes



Program DXCC_XML_LIST.exe serves the following tasks

Calculation based on data obtain from page CLUBLOG parameters, ie No ADIF, CQ_Zone, ITU_Zone for the QSO. When calculating is taken also the date of QSO, because this QSOs may be from the past. Sou may do different results. Files for DXCC lists stored on servers CLUBLOG contain data starting since 1945 year Examples of results you see when you click on this link


Upload ADIF file from logger to the the website CLUBLOG and then after processing there (calculation of normal value NR-ADIF and CQ_ZONE according to rules applied on pages CLUBLOG). It is important that  the correct results are also obtained for QSO's from the past , and next  download the results as a ADIF file and show the differences on the screen. Translated file ADIF can then can be saved and be used as a new file for import to logger .Examples of results you see when you click on this link


Create a universal DXCC List as a dll module - DXCC_lst.dll. Dll module can be used by all programmers amateur programs in their application programs in any programming language (Delphi, C ++, Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C ++).. This frees the programmers from the need to watch changes for DXCC list - because for him doing this dll module


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Shortcut description program for amateurs - radio developed by SP9AUV

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