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Programs cooperating  with Logger32

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Cooperating from Logger32 to  QRZ.COM is done in a communication window by transmitting data in a windows messages I developed the following programs:

1.The program shows for the QSO and its country if present QSL bureau or not
2.Program cooperating with Logger32 and  QRZ.COM - extracting from QRZ.COM page   station data and sends them to Logger32. Besides, the program checks whether there is a QSL bureau or not. In addition,  program correct incorrect and illogical entries in the field QSL_Via - see chapter
3.You can also download from my website source in Delphi - Pascal which is the transformation from Visual Basic to Delphi example what was  published  by the authors Logger32 SampleInterface3300 posted on its website Sample code for v3.30 Logger32 External Interface



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Programs cooperating  with Logger32

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