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Preparing files for printing with use mail merge method

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Preparing files for print by  mail merge method consists in sorting files.

Sorting the file to make a file  by the so-called print queue, which then can be used to do   print QSL cards by mail merge method . Sorting can be done in three ways:

1. Sort by DXCC list  number in the file DXCC.lst containing data on entites  by the official  ARRL DXCC List
2. Sort by number ADIF compliant with ADIF  standard 2.2   (in Logger32 field is called the DXCC).
3. Sort by character Callsign station to which it is sent QSL card
In the first two points, the program move  a QSO's with a filled field VIA_QSL Manager (callsign the QSL Manager) and  insert them to  country manager in the sorted QSL collection. While the QSO's which must be sent DIRECT - that have in the field VIA_QSL inserted in the first place the word DIRECT will be inserted into the appropriate box above number by the DXCC country, and the ADIF = 999 which will result in the QSL  will be sorted at the end of the file and so will be printed at the end. Apart this sorting scheme is doing well for those first two points , second sort by  Callsign station (in the one country  will be sorted  QSLs  also by callsign station) . Of course, first sorting will be preserved
In the case of 3-th point of moving the QSL card for the manager will be do if asking whether the user wishes to make such a switch. Such inquiry will be made in this window



Program HAM_SECRETARY in a version  3.0.3

contains 160 fields of various types from the 121 is standard compliant ADIF version 2.2 and 39 fields   may have custom names.  Sorted file will contain only the names of the fields that are included in the file of input - even if these are the names of custom



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Preparing files for printing with use mail merge method

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