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Preparation file for printing QSL for different loggers

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This chapter discusses how  prepare in a logger program file  what will be disposable  as basis for print  QSL cards or labels of the program  HAM_SECTERARY.exe or to use this in a mail merge method . HAM_SECTERARY.exe can accept data in any HAM-Radio format, . adi. adif. csv,. txt. . The mail merge method   accept only the format. csv - but HAM_SECTERARY.exe can do translation from any format to any other format. To make the creation of such a file must first be somehow  select  that the QSO is to send a QSL card. The best time to take such a decision is  moment end of QSO.  It follows from this that the selection of QSOs to the dispatch is stretched in time This chapter describes the following topics as

Prepare file to print QSL cards for logger Logger32

To create a file to  print QSL  Logger32 must first be configured - so that we can easily see that the QSO was selected for shipment.  So we have to comply with the following



In the program Logger32 you can  select  QSOs for shipment at any time prior to printing. Moment of selection and the print can be arbitrarily large. To see the fact that at any time after the first selecting you must  properly configure Logger32. It involves what is shown in the following screens.first choice  from the main menu Setup and then --  QSO to be printed highlight- Show QSL to be printed highlight   - the first entry is not a pipe - at the second entrance will be visible longer pipe

Select QSO fo print QSL
(to be a pipe)

and then choice of color selections to brick for QSO will be sent QSL.

Choice of color selections QSO's  to print QSL

Choosing the color brick  for selection QSO

Now choose which elements will be marked - will be assumed that indicated, will mark only the cell and not the whole line

Choosing selecting only the cells
callsign in the window log

Choosing selecting only the cells
callign in the previous QSO  window

Choosing selecting only the cells
callsign in the generic QSO window

Subsequent procedure, ie selection for QSOs to be send, see below. . Here we show only what will be the effect select QSO for send QSL in a cells log

Effect selecting QSO for sent QSL - can see that it was tick only callsign cell - which improves  readability

Effect selecting QSO for sent QSL - can see that it was tick only callsign cell - which improves  readability

QRZ_HTTP Lookup is a program external to Logger32 and was developed by N2AMG (current version for download on his page http://www.n2amg.com/software/qrz-lookups-for-logger32.).  To transfer data downloaded from QRZ.COM to the appropriate fields Logger32-a (particular regard to  field QSL_Via ) QRZ_HTTP Lookup must be properly configured,  as shown in the following screenshots. Pipes at different positions suggests that this program is to be set

Field configuration for program<br>

Field configuration for program

Configuring HTTP QRZ Lookup indicating
what fields are to be  downloaded
to Logger32 - must to be set as the image

In addition, you must add at this point that there are at QRZ.COM sometimes illogical entries for data. This is fault of users.  Especially for entry QSL  field from  QRZ.COM . This field falls to field  QSL_Via in a  Logger32 . Practice shows that the "ingenuity" in the users entering incorrect data here is not limited what has been described in the section. For example, I found this  illogical entries   Via W2HNK NO bureau . . How not via bureau - it's like - logically this does not mean DIRECT - may be a messenger of intentional or pass me a QSL in my club.  We must look at what you see here in window  QRZ HTTP Lookup

The end of a QSO is the best time to take a decision that to the station will send a QSL. Then on the screen, we have adequate information to make decision .Most useful here is Worked/confirmed  window

Window Worked / Confirmed empty

Window Worked / Confirmed empty

Window Worked / Confirmed for introduced
YB0DJ station. Can see from this window
that with this station we had not yet QSO
on 30 m band emission RTTY. So this
station should be done and send a QSL

Other cases when you need to send QSL cards or not

Also need sending QSL card.
The  country has made , but
did not receive QSL cards

There is no need to send  QSL cards

For cases where there is need to send QSL cards selection for QSOs to send we do it this way

Selection QSO  for shipping QSL

After selection QSOs in the log will look like

Selected QSO to send QSL card

Selected QSO to send QSL card

After copy data of  QSO's from contest's program to  Loggera32 in the format .adi previously used method of selection after the QSO must be corrected. First one , we  must view the log list of QSO's from contest and if we suspect that some countries do not have the QSL  at all, or at any particular band or  emission then click on the QSO.  We want to find out if we have any other QSL cards from that country to the desired band and / or emissions

QSO with station 3C2WE done but <br>
not confirmed. QSL  card for this<br>
station does not send

QSO with station 3C2WE done but
not confirmed. QSL  card for this
station does not send

After clicking on the QSO receive





Highlighted QSO

Highlighted QSO

Window Worked / confirmed will look

Country 3C is not confirmed --
there is a need to send
QSL, ie select QSO to send

We see that there is a need to send QSL cards for this QSO, ie, select QSO for send - as described above

Making the decision to send QSL card  you can also make from a list of achievements if you look for DXCC award , and we see that we lack some countries made but not confirmed yet. Choice  DXCC award by selecting it from the main menu

Calling DXCC Award

Calling DXCC Award

After a while we get a window with a DXCC Award

Diploma DXCC - check to see why
OZ country to band 30 M do not have confirmation

Appears to us now the next window with a list of QSO's made with a country OZ  in band 30 M

Now appears the next window with list of made QSO's

List of QSO's made with a country OZ
on the band 30 M mixed mode

In the log appear selected in the previous window QSOs also highlighting in yellow

Selected yellow  QSOs in the previous window

Selected yellow  QSOs in the previous window

Now we can select QSO with OZ1HPS to send QSL cards as described in section

Now that we have selected QSO's to send we can create a file of data only to those selected QSOs, which will be the basis for printing directly QSL cards by the  HAM SECRETARY.exe or will be used in the mail merge method .  Program  HAM SECRETARY.exe can accept  any  Ham_radio format as .adi . adif . csv  .txt .   The process of creating this file is  show on the following pictures

Selecting from the menu export QSL file

Selecting from the menu export QSL file

Window export QSL file . You can choice type CSV(no header) or .adi type

Choosing the name file of QSO's
for print QSL cards

There choice  YES (TAK) - to replace the existing file

There choice  YES (TAK) - to replace the existing file


Choice selection to No - temporarily until the  print will be do

Choice selection to No - temporarily until the  print will be do . Such a choice allows changes in a sent QSL. - addition or removal of QSOs.  Only if you are sure that all is ok with printed QSLs,   repeat described in this section process of creating the same file - but now choose YES - select a QSL as SentNow we can print cards what was described here.

2.Prepare file to print the QSL cards for the logger Ham Radio de Luxe

Ham Radio de Luxe version currently described, ie v 5.0 build 2311 has unfortunately not so efficient mechanisms to decide how in a  Logger32 whether the card should be sent as we have no confirmation yet from the country.  There are no windows  Worked / Confirmed what is in the Loger32, which would immediately showed the status of this country immediately after the introduction of the callsign in the box Enter QSOs.  It is only the information that the country is working, but there is no direct information that the country has already confirmed that at all, or in a particular band and a given emission. This information should occur indirectly by selecting a award DXCC in the appropriate box, unfortunately find by hand this country and to see whether the country has already confirmed.


Ham Radio de Luxe is a very large program with many options to choose from - unfortunately, impeding work with him. This has to be other possibilities as well as filtering QSO, which facilitates the send QSL cards, as well as the ability to work with the satellites, the possibility of receipt of CW operation , and a new  emissions i.e   OLIVIA.


Due to the lack of information Confirmed QSOs at once in the time do QSO do and after completing QSO  the process of deciding  QSL postage is independent from the moment when we will decide on postage QSL cards.  Thus this process is described for determining the postage for QSL cards after making a QSO.  Same goes for others moments of the process of deciding


Introduced callsign EA3GLB in  the digital emission window

We must determine whether a given station in the country EA3GLB Spain, we send a QSL card. Therefore, we open the window Award Tracking DXCC from the sub - program HRD Loogbook .  and look for it manually, unfortunately, the Spain country .


Window Tracking DXCC Award
Country Spain confirmed. There is no need to send cards

Now we show the case when you will need to send a QSL for lack of confirmation for this country This time it will be the QSOs of SSB  made in the window ADD QSO sub-program Loogbook


Add A QSO in a box
ADD QSO My Logbook

Fuller information on the need to send QSL cards, you can get in the box Award Tracking DXCC

Tracking Window DXCC Award for the country
VP6. You can see that it is necessary to send QSL

Now we can mark this QSO for a send. In the HRD it is done by typing in the box QSL_SEND  letters R_Requested or  Q_Queued (the print queue)  We choose R - Requested.

Select a QSO in the field QSL_Sent
R-Requested (QSL card)

For better readability I will note a couple of QSOs at R-Requested. This can be done by double-clicking on any of QSOs in the Logbook, which allows editing QSOs.  We provide editing QSL_send field and set the R-Requested as above the image and then click Update button (Correct).

The process for selecting QSO fields QSL_Send = R can be extended arbitrarily in time. After deciding that there should be  send QSL s need to create a  file of  format. adi. For this purpose, we use QSO filtering function which is available in Ham Radio De Luxe.

The use of filtering for the extraction of QSOs
only those QSOs which meet the condition R Requested

Export QSOs to the file format .adi you can make as bellow

Select all QSOs in the window to save
file in a ADIF format

Reports to us a window in which do proper to write to the disk file

Choosing the catalog and name of file  with
data to print QSL

Now you can print QSL card described in section. .

This leaves only noted that the QSO QSL cards were sent. This can be done immediately after the save file.  But better to first print the QSL cards, and if no changes to the print repeat steps selecting QSOs begining from QSO point filtering..Selecting all QSOs as it was sended do in the way we make a group like this

Selecting a group of all selected
QSO to the QSL Sent = Y (Yes)

Change from  Requested to  Yes - QSL sent and insert actual data to QSL Sent Data


Prepare a file to print QSL cards for logger MixW

This manual was based on MixW v 2.19 in January 2009. The program MixW although has a program to print the QSL cards but it has some drawbacks of which the most important are:

no switch QSL cards what must go to the via QSL Manager
lack of separation papers to go DIRECT
Sorting is performed only by alphabetical characters - callsign -  no sorting by DXCC list or numbers ADIF
lack to do no other correspondence hams-radio - as the envelope address, bookmarks between countries
lack of cooperation with the page www.qrz.com to recover current addresses for the cards DIRECT
print pattern is not  designed in a WYSIWYG mode (What you see is what you get)
lack in a design pattern dimension lines - which greatly improve the design pattern  process  , printing and see if we fit in a  obtained from the printing house  QSL cards, and if not to repeat this process for so long until we achieve a satisfactory result


1.  MixW The decision to send the QSL card  already in the time of making QSOs.

Then on the screen, we have adequate information to make that decision Then, after the introduction of QSOs that information is no longer on the screen and making that decision is more difficult - as will be explained later.

After the introduction to the field of callsign we have status of country  as  in the following screen


MixW - Status of the confirmed -
QSL cards do not need to send

For when you must send a QSL card, the screen may look

MixW - The status of a country  not confirmed
QSL card should send

In MixW unfortunately, there is no possibility of selection QSO 'flag to be sent "as it is in Logger32. Also lack of  selection possibilities in the field QSL_Sent R_Reguested - as is the Ham Radio de Luxe. Therefore, we can handle this problem in another way. After making a QSO and save in a log

Click the sign "goggles" what  will bring up a window

Choosing the entire log

Appear to us a window with the log of which we choose the last  QSO and write it in the format .adi

Choosing the last QSO for writing to a file
in the format. adi

You will get the window to save file  of adi.

Save file in a  format .adi

Unfortunately MixW  does not give the choice  directory where to save the file. adi.  File is stored in the root directory of the program MixW - where the need to write down all the files. adi even with one QSO.  However, you can specify the name of the file.  It is proposed here provide the name file next digit  1, then 2, etc.. Extension.adi will be added automatically. Note:-  The program has no control over whether a file already exists on the disk - just saving one another without asking for consent. . So we have to control ourselves whether a digit name file already exists.  The naming of these files in turn figures will help us maintain order. Program HAM SECRETARY provides mechanisms to merge all , and then before printing these sub-sets saved in one of your choice under the given name, eg. join.adi .You can make a final of merging these sub-collections with deleting  these sub-collections from the root. After merging the program, it goes on to the further activities related to printing. This is described in the chapter Printouts and preview for the reall data .

Now it was necessary to mark somehow that the QSL-ka has been sent.  Unfortunately we can not postpone this decision until the print - because we are get lost.  Now it should be noted that the QSL-ka has been sent - that is, the date of send will be accepted as date for the preparation file  for the print. We are do this in this way:

Selection the QSO for a QSL has been sent

2.- The decision to sent QSL cards after doing more QSOs.

When you need to find a country with which we have no confirmation yet - from the menu select  first the  complete statistics

Choice full statistic  

Appear to us a window

DXCC list of achievements for the full statistics

We must now find QSO with the country's  3C. To that end, press   and select in the window fields as in the image below

Search country 3C - put condition for find

Obtain a list of

Search result of the country for which
do not have confirmation we have sent a QSL
Need to send a QSL

An example is fairly trivial search because it involves searching for the QSO's have not yet sent (as adopted here so as not to obscure the understanding of this lecture).  In fact, finding the reasons why we do not have confirmation yet require a search with a filter for a lot more areas than it is in the "goggles"    search.  In principle here should be available search in all fields standard ADIF 2.2


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Preparation file for printing QSL for different loggers

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