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Installing MYSQL database

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Since the previously proposed method for the installation of MYSQL database is based on a installation for each component separately and then configure those components based on a detailed description help  CHM , what do  much of a hassle for ham- radio amateurs, I developed a different installation method MYSQL database. These problems usually result from;

1.the reluctance to read the extensive help
2.The need to familiarize yourself with some concepts of information technology - that although there were accurately described, it did not come to the head users - radio amateurs. .


That's why I developed a special program for automatic installation of MYSQL database and all required components and configurations it  in a  such a way that you do not need to give any data from the keyboard, and almost without clicking the mouse. . The program is called MYSQL_INSTALL_AUTOMATIC_ALL_COMPONENT_AND_CONFIGURE_IT.exe data for configuration MYSQL  server and components takes from the file of initiation setup.ini that radio amateur cannot  completely edited, because then  will be not be work my program for awards  AWARD_SECRETARY.

After starting program MYSQL_INSTALL_AUTOMATIC_ALL_COMPONENT_AND_CONFIGURE_IT.exe appear us this screen :


Introductory screen for program
First, you have to enter the password for the root user

The program first checks if there are already installed on your disk  database MySQL . This may take quite a long time - even a few minutes because it  search a whole disk. There are  searched here only drive C: - as a system disk, where it should be installed MYSQL database. If the database  is already installed a screen appears

The screen if database MYSQL is installed .
There are  specified directory where it is installed
and what version server version of MySQL is installed
and what components

The given text window is information for users explaining the concept root - that is the main user database MySQL (Unfortunately, there are same users who cannot  understand with this concept  and still asked me to give them the root password ,  and cannot understand that they to invent it  themselves and enter as the root password.) .

Root is the main  user of the database who has all permissions for all operations on a MySQL database, and can create  an account for others users and give them the appropriate permissions. The root password must be "invented" and entered by you when you first install the database MYQSL. You  should do well  remember it . If there is present already MySQL database, you can configure it for the  needs by program  AWARD_SECRETARY. You will need, however, must know the root password and enter it in the above box  password for root - the main user. If you do not know this pasword , you  can ask the person what  did previous installation MySQL database You can optionally uninstall all the components of MySQL by using RevoUniinstaller, but you do it at your own risk, and install MySQL by this program. There is a danger here that the MySQL database is already installed on your computer and used by another program. You can see if in the Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5 or MySQL Server 5.1,  is present bin directory. The program AWARD_SECRETARY does not use the root, but during the installation of MYSQL database create its own user and set for him a separate password that does not want to give there , because it can only be the reason , that user can will  only 'tinkering' in this  data, which will result then no run  program AWARD_SECREATRY. The password for root is only needed if you want to use external programs for database administration..

AWARD_SECREATRY .Hasło dla root-a jest potrzebne tylko jesli chce się używać zewnetrznych programów do administracji bazą danych . . 

In fact, the program is designed to install the database  MySQL in a server version v 5.1 or V 5.5 However, if you already have some other version MySQL, then you can configure this version for use  in a  AWARD_SECRETARY,  to create a database AWARDS_BASE and create the appropriate user,  with the appropriate permissions. In the existing database must, however, be present installed ODBC driver. (this is for advanced users). You mus also know password for user root .

Configure existing MYSQL server 5.1

Existing database configuration you can make when you press the button Configure . This  screen appear

Screen after configuration the MySQL server
and its components. It is important that all
EXIT-CODE must be equal to zero. If some EXIT-CODE
is different from zero, then you should look if previously
was present the installed this component

After completing a report what  appears on the screen it is saved in a file Report_from_install.txt.



Installing MYSQL Version 5.1 and configure

If MySQL server  is not installed on your computer then this screen appears.

Startup screen if the database MYSQL is not installed.
First, you must put the password root- and which
yet to be set as the initial password.
Then select the type of server MySQL 5.5 V higher
5.1 V or older. Here it is indifferent to what version
We choose, because AWARD_SECRETARY
has the own procedures to copy and restore databases
At the end, press the Start button to install

Scren for only click NEXT

Scren for only click NEXT

The screen for installation MySQL Server 51 and  components
After installation, the setup program will configure components
basis of a file setup.ini for MySQL Server 51. Please note that all EXIT-CODE is
 zero. If any exit code is different to zero, then at the
end you will get the line an incorrect installed



If you have previously installed MySQL database server version 5.5 that screens will look like :

The initial screen where there are present V 5.5 server

Compared to the previous version in this version v .1.0.2 program test  you have installed additional components necessary for the proper operation of the MySQL server version 5.5 are:

Microsoft_Visuall_C_++ redistuable_runtime_package   in the form of exe program vcredist_x86.exe. This program can be uninstalled by RevoUniinstaller
Net_Framework_4.0 in the form of exe program dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe., which is the driver. If you need to uninstall the .Net Framework 4.0 you can  uninstalled it from the Control panel - Uninstall Programs

These components are not directly included in MySQL, however, are needed to work properly for database MYSQL . These components may be used by other window's  programs  The previous version did not investigate the presence of these programs and the obligatory installed it , which could cause problems. Now, if these components are already installed, it is  no installed again

Configure existing MYSQL server 5.5

Correct configure MYSQL sever V 5.5

Example - not correct configuration  MYSQL sever V 5.5 . Exit Code <> 0


Installation for MYSQL server 5.5 and configure

Start screen for instal server MYSQL V 5.5

After the "inventing" and enter the password for the root user (here it is treated as a completely new installation)  and press Begin Install  this screens appears
if it was not previously installed Net_Framework_4.0 appears the following three screens communicating the installing this components .If the installation of this component was already  do previously that these three screens below will not appear

First screen for install
NetFramework 4.0

Second screen for install NetFramework
4.0 - client profile

Third screen for install NetFramework
4.0 - extended

If previously it was not  installed the Microsoft Visuall_C _ redistuable ++ runtime package that will appear us the following screen communicates the installation of this component. 

   If this component was already installed before  the following screen does not appear


Screen for install Microsofoft C ++
Redistuable Package 2010

Instalacja MYSQL Server 5.5

Instalacja MYSQL Server 5.5

Install MySQL Workbench. This program<br>
is not use by AWARD_SECRETARY , <br>
because it has own procdure for backup<br>
and restore database for administration.<br>
But may be will be needed by same users

Install MySQL Workbench. This program
is not use by AWARD_SECRETARY ,
because it has own procdure for backup
and restore database for administration.
But may be will be needed by same users

Sametime appears this scren

Screen for install Workbench - sametime

Install MYSQL Connector ODBC

Install MYSQL Connector ODBC

End of positive installation MYSQL Server 55

Typical screen , when installations was not do corectly , will be look :

Not correct installation for MYSQL Server 5.5
because was not uniinstall NetFramework 4.0

Final note

This program is installing administration tools for administration MYSQL database that  is:

for the server version 5.1 the program MySQLAdministrator.exe
for the server version 5.5 MySQLWorkbench.exe

However, program AWARD_SECRETARY completely does not need  this administration programs  .AWARD_SECRETARY has its own procedures to perform backup and restore databases , what is much simpler than those administrative programs. Administrative programs are installed for some of the more advanced users who want to take advantage of valuable tables set up in the database, such as Table  village Table  ZIP codes, Table for polish powiat and wojewodztwa .