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Files for printing the bookmarks between countries

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1.In order to facilitate the dispatch office via the bureau QSL   program in the process of sorting produces file  COUNTRY.CSV in a  format. csv file which is the basis for  printable bookmarks between sending countries in a package sent QSL cards. File  is saved in the directory where you saved the sorted file 


The format of the data file COUNTRY.CSV format .Csv file looks like this



"4","4","AGALEGA & ST. BRANDON IS.","3B7SP","3B7SP","3B6,3B7,3B8,3B1,"


"6","207","RODRIGUEZ I.","3B9FR","3B9FR","3B9,=VQ9CPR,3C,"





One line represents one country and one of the bookmark

This file can be used as a basis for printing the bookmarks directly from program HAM SECRETARY or by  using the mail merge method .  In order to print by mail merge method use the  pattern template for mail merge method BOOKMARK.DOC and load it to MS Word-a (preferably by pressing the BOOKMARK.DOC) and use data from the produced COUNTRY.CSV file


Proceedings for the application of the mail merge method   is described on my site  http://sp9auv.com specifically on the



Created a bookmark for the 1st line of data will be looked

Bookmarks bettwen countries


2 For the purpose of the QSL card archive home program produces a file COUNTRIS.CSV that contains the lines   for all countries from the list DXCC.lst  File is stored in the directory with the program HAM_SECRETARY.  Creating this file is described in section Bookmarks for home archive QSL cards.  Same method of printing as well as the appearance of tabs is the same as in step 1



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Files for printing the bookmarks between countries

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