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Navigation:  Program HAM SECRETARY and its purpose > Prints QSL cards, labels, envelopes and bookmarks >

Downloading addresses direct from QRZ.COM for sending cards direct

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In order to accelerate the process  send QSL cards direct and printing envelopes and envelope feedback SASE program allows direct downloading from the server QRZ.COM station addresses. Recalling that functions can be do after completing the printing of QSLs, or labels on the QSL made in the chapter. Then fill in the appropriate table callsigns the station to whom you are needed address direct - and we only initiate the download block those addresses. You can also download the addresses of the station without the initiation of printing and only enter callsign in a bookmark ADDRESS from QRZ.COM . Transitions to  the downloading  of addresses can be done by selecting bookmark  Address from  QRZ.COM

or in the preview page for printing,  press  Go to address QRZ.COM .

If you sent a package to be sent will have any cards to be sent DIRECT then this  callsigns appear in the 1st and possibly the 2nd column of the table below

Array filled with callsigns to which the program
needs address to send direct QSL in a envelpoe

As you can see in the picture above program is a possibility download addresses from 4-th server's personal data. Download only from QRZ.COM is subject to the following restrictions

1.The permissible number of callsigns  that is possible to download from QRZ.COM is 150 QSOs / 1 day.
2. Oprócz tego istnieje warunek na QRZ.COM . iż dopuszczalna ilość QSO  w ciagu dość krótkiego czasu ( 2 do 3 min) wynosi nie więcej niż niz kilka QSO . To zmusza twórców oprogramowania do dość karkołomnych i pracochłonych  sztuczek w swoich  programach . Program HAM_SECRETARY sciąga dane adresowe stacji dla kart wysyłanych DIRECT z QRZ_COM . Jesli masz tam np 15 stacji to po ściągnięciu adresów dla około 8 stacji QRZ_COM przerywa sciąganie . Dopiero po paru minutach (około 5 minut ) będziesz mógl sciągnąć adresy dla nastepnych stacji .Dlatego w programie wprowadzono dodatkowy button SCIAGNIJ SELEKTOWANY WIERSZ z odpowiednia uwagą by robic to po paru minutach
3.In addition, there is a condition on QRZ.COM. that the permissible number of QSOs within a fairly short period of time (2 to 3 minutes) is no more than than a few QSOs. This forces developers to fairly breakneck and  tricks in their programs. The program HAM_SECRETARY download  station address for cards sent DIRECT QRZ_COM. If you have for example, there are 15 stations on the download addresses for about 8 stations , QRZ_COM interrupted downloads. Only after a few minutes (about 5 minutes) you can download the addresses for the next station .Therefore in the program introduced an additional button DOWNLOAD SELECTED ROW with proper attention to do it after a few minutes
4.To download addresses from QRZ.COM  and some other servers need to be logged on the server is not sufficient to log in your default browser such as Firefox. To log in  to QRZ.COM need to press . When pressed, will appear a built-in HAM_SECRETARY Mini_Browser


Wiindow for login to QRZ.COM


Pprocess of being logged to rhe QRZ.COM is remembered in the so-called cookies - this often enough that if we are using the program are very often no  need to log in .

Wiindow after  login to QRZ.COM


Addresses downloaded direct from QRZ.COM - 5th
column format. CSV

Important now is know and save somewhere required fees for receiving QSL cards back. For this purpose select column 1st or 2nd mark (single mouse click) and press the key

Will be called default web pages browser (Firefox or Internet Explorer) in a new tab with address QRZ.COM and requested wanted callsign. We look at what fees are required and what the station give attention to direct mail and note that in column 6 of the Remarks. If the URL is downloaded with some incorrect fields eg derived from QRZ.COM we can do in 5-th column edit this column

Then press the button Write  address. CSV

Will appear window where  select the directory where you want to save the addresses

Choosing the name of the directory and file addresses direct

Appear also Report  of the download addresses

Report of the downloading direct address

Are saved two files:

address_direct_001.csv - to send Envelopes
address_direct_001_with_remarks.csv - to remember the comments about shipping charges and rules ie, what was put into the comments field. This file can not be used to send Envelopes. In this file write note when QSL card  came in  or note the date of arrival or comments regarding your shipment reminders via e-mail


Apart from collecting addresses for the callsignals  set by the program, you can also download additional addresses for the station by pressing the Insert key and entering the callsign directly from the keyboard and pressing the ENTER key which will download the address entered for this station

Downloading extra address

Direct addresses can be downloaded even when an array is not filled by any signs.For example, we need some the specific address for  station to which you want to send something. Then go to  to the bookmark QRZ.COM and type in the first row of the station callsign and press ENTER

Navigation:  Program HAM SECRETARY and its purpose > Prints QSL cards, labels, envelopes and bookmarks >

Downloading addresses direct from QRZ.COM for sending cards direct

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