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Creating file cabrillo  for contest

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In order to create a file in the Cabrillo format for the contest to proceed as follows:

Consider how program was used in a contest and output data format which can produce this program. This is usually the standard ADIF generated by the majority of programs - for example MMTTY whether any linux programs are not intended to contest's.
name of the data produced by the non - contest program and need in Cabrillo format. Usually this is field STX (Exchange send - number QSOs or another character) and SRX (exchange received - No QSO or name county for the countries from the U.S. for contest's ARRL)
If the data is put to the standard fields ADI standard is half the problem is resolved.  HAM_SECRETARY program was developed based on standard ADIF 2.2.  If the program put these data for their own custom  field --  the names of those we  stick to the file  Non_standardADIF_addition_field_for_cabrillo.txt. At the moment, this set looks as follows:


{This file contain non standard ADIF fields used by same logger's programs in a exported}

{file type .adi or .csv }

{This is needed to make FORM for translate to cabrillo .cbr format for contest}

{If you put name of this fields there it will be visible in a menu}


{and then you  can make translate to cabrillo format as it is present}

{in a standard ADIF}



Added two names that are customized and produced by the program N1MM logger.This program put them into the  data STX and SRX, and therefore it was necessary to add them as custom.

If you add these custom name here it will be shown above each of the 12  fields for the form type. FRM for the contest as shown below in Figure

In the above image is enhanced the field APP_N1MM_EXCHANGE1

You must now be preparing the appropriate form for the contest FRM as described in chapter Setting the standard FRM Cabrillo format. In a CABRILLO_FORM directory contains a number of forms. Best proud to form as a basis for other similar contest, edit it and save it under a new name of contest. You can also use as a base form UNIVERSAL.FRM.
After determining the form, you can  do translation of the format. ,adi .csv or .txt to format.cbr Cabrillo.


To do this, choose from the main menu Translation files


Choice from menu Translate files


In the configuration window set the parameters for the translation as below, ie choose a type of output format. cbr Cabrillo

Configuration for format cabrillo

Note that the output format of the date of QSO is grayed out - ie it is not taken into account

After Confirm translation obtain

Opening the filet of input for translation into Cabrillo format

We can get also request input date format QSO


Savie file output - type format cabrillo


Report - save output  file  in the format Cabrillo

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Creating file cabrillo  for contest

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