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Basic Concepts for databases

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Presented below help for the installation of MYSQL database is intended for experienced people in computer science who wish install the MySQL database itself. Due to the fact that many amateurs had problems with standalone MySQL installations despite this help, I developed  program to automatically install the database, named MYSQL_INSTALL_AUTOMATIC_ALL_COMPONENT_AND_CONFIGURE_IT.exe. With this program , you can easily automatic install the MySQL database as the program itself gets parameters to the MySQL server configuration from the ini file setup.ini . This file contain parameters  for  server MYSQL to work properly for my program for awards  AWARD_SECRETARY .. Ham - radio amateur in this way has work instal MYSQL very simole , because they do not have to answer any questions during installation. The program MYSQL_INSTALL_AUTOMATIC_ALL_COMPONENT_AND_CONFIGURE_IT.exe, can also be used by a programmer, if you need to give the customer an easy tool for self-installation of MYSQL database. You  must then only edit this configuration file setup.ini  . It is known, "Mrs. Sophie in accounting will not install yourself  MYSQL database"

To be able to communicate with the user radio amateur I have to give a few ideas for databases., the knowledge of which will allow for a better understanding as to what I write in  the help system - and what do program AWARD_SECRETARY

Data about  persons, objects or abstract concepts are included in the database. To handle databases are designed so database engines., there are known the following engines to the  database

MYSQL - free database engine also known as database MYSQL .  Although this is a free database engine on this is build professional programs to handle tasks related to databases.
Oracle - paid motor to operate database Oracle
SQL - paid motor to operate database SQL
Postgress - paid motor to operate database Postgress .
Microsoft Access - free database engine Microsoft to operate database in a format  .mdb
Informix - free database engine in a LInuxi
are present also more of which I will not mention here


One program can simultaneously support multiple databases. In computer science ,  often is used the term Schema. For end users, the term is synonymous with the term database. For example, in the  AWARD_SECRETARY database (Schema) for service awards is  named AWARDS_BASE
Data in the database is stored in tables, also called  SQL tables. Table SQL in the first row contains the field names what  have been used. The next lines contain data records. For example, the table  for QSOs  (log) is called qsos_awards and contains the names ADIF in the first row and the following rows contain the data for subsequent QSOs. Tables for  awards calculated have  such names: dxcc_5_bands_awarddxcc_mixed_award etc
Defining MYSQL table for the field, we will set :
Name field
Type data in field (string data  varchar , integer , real , text)
length data no of used bytes
standard characters in which they are signs of the field( latin1 , utf-8)


Single field for the a row (record) with data is called a Cell
The user should be familiar some with the concept ODBC
ODBC (ang. Open DataBase Connectivity -  is an interface that allows programs to connect to database management systems. This connection is somehow standarized . Using ODBC in the application program we have defined the standard procedures for communication with the database - no matter what type of database. For us, the best thinking about  the driver ODBC allows connection to the database . For each type of database is for a separate driver - which is usually installed with the installation of the database. In this way, we have a connection independent of the programming language,  and database.
The program communicates with the database through an ODBC link has yet to know data what are called Data Source Name (DSN). {not to be confused with the concept of DNS - Domain Name Server). DSN contains the following fields
The name of the data source- Data Source Name . In our case, this should beAWARD_BASE_MY_SQL .
Description - additional name In our case, this should be AWARD_BASE_MY_SQL
Name Server(Server) where is located to a database engine - in this case MySQL . It is usually used name localhost . if the server supports MySQL is on the same computer as program what uses database .
Name user database user  which uses cooperating program AWARD_SECRETARY. In a confuguration file setup.ini   for   AWARD_SECRETARY is inserted initial nameUSER_AWARDS . This can also be another name but must be  the same name given in the parameters  DSN as well as in the configuration file
Password for user program which uses cooperating program  AWARD_SECRETARY. In the configuration file setup.ini for the AWARD SECRETARY is inserted initial user_awards name. (lowercase). This may also be a different password but given the same parameters as in the DSN configuration file.
Name Database that it is working with the program AWARD_SECRETARY. Here the database for awards is called AWARDS_BASE


At this moment, for the day 30.08.2011, the latest version of the MySQL database engine is version 5.5. It differs in relation do version  5. 1 MYSQL other programs to handle the administration database.

For administrative support MySQL version 5.1 is designed program  MySQL Administration in  version 1.2.17  It comes in the package MySQL GUI Tools mysql-gui-tools-5.0-r17-win32.msi.
For administrative support MySQL in a version 5.5 is designed MYSQL Workbench Version 5.2.39  It is  much different then the program MySQL version 1.2.17 Administration. MySQL Workbench, version 5.2.39 provides administrators and developers an integrated environment of tools allowing to perform:
Database Design and Modeling
Database browsing
Database administration - administration database (instead of MySQL Administrator)


MYSQLWorkbench program is quite a complicated program to use and designed primarily for designers - MYSQL database developers. Therefore, bellow  I  describes the installation of MySQL version 5.1 and version 5.5 of MySQL. You will decide which version to choose after hearing the installation and configuration

For my part, I recommend the radio amateurs who are not engaged in computer science install  MySQL server version 5.1 because  install the MySQL administration tool administration and its operation is much easier. Persons who come into contact with IT professional may try to install MySQL 5.5 and  administration tool MySQL Workbench Version 5.2.39



Numbers given here are versions may be slightly larger - about one or two versions - as most of the software is downloaded from the Internet, and therefore can be downloaded versions with 1 or 2 higher